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So guys. This is a serious "chapter". I just wanna know if anyone actually feels the same.

In my last joke I talked about my sister wanting to read tfios. I didn't tell the whole truth. I missed out a bit. The bit where I didn't want her to read it and Fangirl over it with me.

The truth is, there are two types of good books in this world. There are books that will put together the shattered world etc, and there are special just-yours books. I won't write out the whole quote. You know it. But the thing is tfios is mine. It's special. Most of my fandoms are.

In our family, my sister has her baking and I have my fandoms. She wouldn't want me to interfere with her cooking, and I don't want her interfering in my fangirling. Does that make sense? Does it sound mad that I don't want her reading TMI?

Please tell me it's not just me. I do t want to sound like a b*tch. Please tell me I don't!

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