The Infernal Devices

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So I just finished the Infernal Devices trilogy, and can I just say that I have come to the conclusion that Cassandra Clare is a love-child of god and the devil.

If you haven't read the trilogy I suggest you stop reading here. There will be MAJOR spoilers. Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn ya!!

So, you people who have read TID. Do you agree that Cassandra Clare is a love child of god and the devil? She is amazing and all powerful, but she is also EVIL! To put it comparatively briefly: asdfghjklwhxbdiwksbhwomfgsodbsbskabshshsbhshdhsjakakshbdjsbzvjso

Now, for you newbies who need a translation (I don't really think you need a translation, I just need to vent my feelings in as many languages as possible. Sadly I only speak English and Fangirl fluently, so that's all you're getting.):

No non-evil person could make Tessa's fall in love with parabatai! That's just not okay! Especially when one is dying and the other is cursed (kinda), so they both need her in equal measure. And then to make them both so equally loveable and beautiful and amazing and everything you could possibly want in a guy. It's evil.

Then, to make Jessa get engaged at the same time as Will finds out that he isn't cursed? No!!!! Could you possibly be more unthoughtful about our feels?? No, you could not.

Then he dies, and they do their stuff, but he was never dead? Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!! SILENT BROTHER????? NOOOOO!!!! YOU'RE KILLING ME!!!! When Jem came to say goodbye to Will and Tessa I was soo close to crying in public it wasn't even funny.

But the epilogue. You've read the book. You know what I mean. One word that will re-kill your heart: violin. That was what really opened the floodgates. I haven't cried like that since the last time I watched TFIOS. I was howling. I couldn't even see the book for a bit!

And when it said that Will wouldn't have any Silent Brother except 'Brother Zachariah' perform the Protection ceremony on their first born, and when it said 'Jem put his hands to his scarred face and turned away when he heard the child's name was James.' (I don't have the book here, so that's from memory. Sorry if it's wrong.) That is an image that sticks with me. I only read it last night, but I can imagine it sticking in my mind for the rest of my life.

But when she gets with Jem again right at the end? It was beautiful and everything, but I kinda felt a bit cheated. It felt like even Cassandra Clare couldn't decide between Wessa and Jessa, so that was the only way she could think of of having both. Like all those feels didn't mean anything and it was just a clever way of getting what she wanted. Maybe you're all going to kill me now and I'm sorry if I've offended you. It was only half of me that felt like that. The other half of me was rejoicing. What did Tessa say? Something like "my mind is eased but my soul grieves." That's how I felt.

But enough on the plot. There are some very special someones I need to discuss.

The Herondale Boys

I'll start with Jace, because I read TMI before TID. Although Jace seems to be a stuck up son of a mother at first, he redeems himself and soon became one of the greatest loves of my life. The way he treats Clary is beautiful. I love them. You all know Jace. Words cannot describe him.

And then there's Will. When I first started TID I loved Will because he was so much like Jace. But then I saw all the ways he was different from Jace. And I loved him for him. No words.

But we all know why we love our Herondale boys, right?



He's amazing. I love him. But he dies. Then he didn't die. And he can't play violin. But he played violin for Will. It was beautiful. I couldn't see the page. Tears. Feels. Help. I love him.

At this rate I'm going to write out a whole three books about three books. I love them. What else can I say? I ranted enough.

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