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I'm writing this .in the car on the way back from Jano Fest. And I gotta give it to you Janoskinaters, you are one CRAZY fandom! Half an hour later, I've just about got my hearing back.

I'm gonna be honest. While I like the Janoskians, I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a Janoskianator. I mainly went with my friend, @Sade2Sihaya. But I had loads of fun. It was amazing!! its fun sometimes to let go of all your feminist thoughts and just let yourself be objectified and called beautiful by guys who haven't even looked at you and never will see you in their lives. And to just give yourself over to the fandom vibes and just scream cos you don't know the words to the song, and Jack and Jack have taken their shirts off. That's what I call fun.

So congratulations Janoskinators. You're officially nuts. I felt a bit out of place in my Okay? Okay. Teeshirt, but I had fun with you tonight!

Fandom JokesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon