Part 53- You are no Brother of Mine.

Start from the beginning

"Well I would first get rid of all hostile mobs and make it so everyone can live in peace." Said Notch

"Hey umm can I just interrupt your bro meeting for a second and ask, since when are you all just sitting around getting along?" I ask.

"Well we aren't really getting along we are all just being gentlemen about discussing what we are going to do after we kill each other." Said 4

"I feel like I am forgetting something..."

"I am sure its nothing." said 4 as he gave me a grin.

"Ok also I have one request." said Notch   

"What?" asked 4 while still smiling evilly.

"I want this battle to not have any dragon casualties. I mean both of them."

"Wait what do you mean both of them?" asked Ender

"Notch is talking about you and my dragon." said 4


"Well since I got access to Notchs work in progress of course."

"Is it a Ender Dragon?"

"No its a Red Dragon."

"Can I see it?"

"Well you may not want to since it is corrupted like me at the moment and would try to kill you on sight."

"Why though?"

"Well I needed something to fight you so that you couldn't just fight and kill us all as soon as the battle starts."

"Well can I make a deal with you also?" asked Herobrine.


"I want you to make it so that if you loss the red dragon losses its corruption."

"hmm I think that's fair."

"Well I think we have sorted that all out and I should be taking my leave." said Notch

"Wait we haven't decided when and where this battle should happen!"

"How about at the dawn of the morning of the next full moon. At the field about 3000 blocks North of Notchtropolis?"

"Hmm well I won't be trying to kill anyone until the night so I suppose that will be okay. The location is far enough from people as well." I say

"Ok well if its agreed I will need to go get my army ready."

"Wait those... Things... I saw in your base below bedrock."


"Are they your army?"

"If your are referring to the Chasik then yes they are one of the many species in my army."

"Oh no..."

"Oh yes! They are a powerful army, although don't worry they aren't all I have. Well as I said before I really must be going!" and with that he disappeared in a green flash.

"Y/ N what are these Chasik he was talking about?" Asked Herobrine.

"I assume he is talking about these giant cobras with scaly human arms. They where really aggressive and had black eyes."

"Well, we should probably go prepare the mobs for this final battle."

"Yes we should."

"I will go and get my army ready." Said Notch

"Notch, my brother it isn't to late to change you mind."

"No Herobrine, the next time we meet we will be enemies." Then he teleported away. Then it was like a tap opened and all these memories came flushing into my mind.

"Oh my God..." I say

"What is it Y/ N?"

"I have just remembered what I felt like I was forgetting."


"The Prophecy, the battle it mentions..."


"A Three sided battle to end with no victor. Only a two sided battle will have a winner although with a price?"

"Oh no."

"we have to get Notch to join our side before the next full moon."

"When is the next full moon."

"next week."

A/N haven't got anything to say. See you later Dragon Champions!

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