Tying up loose ends

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          As I lay next to my mystery man flowers are scattered everywhere. The vanilla scent of the candles that are lit, dance their way up to my nose putting me in a state of peace and relaxation. He grabs my hand and leads me towards the glass door, as we go outside i gasp in surprise, As I see Blue Jays, Red robins and many birds perched up on the tree, Singing their song of beauty. I hear a deep husky chuckle behind me, I turn to see him taking his glasses and hoodie off

I sat in thd garden on the swinging chair and gazed at the foggy mountains and green luxurious vines that slithered their way over trees.  The mystery guys'  deep voice sounded of rich chocolate and my arms tingled as he draped his arm over mine."Tell me love, when are you gonna realize neither of them will love you like I do."  He rubbed his thumb down my arm. " Do they give  you tingles with a simple  touch?" My breath hitched in my throat as my eyes were wide and I shook my head. He placed his lips on my hand and I felt on fire. I got the courage and spoke " why are you playing games? Why are you giving me mixed emotions, fighting guys I date, threatening people, sleeping with her." I grit my teeth and glare at the thought of her.  He started violently shaking me saying "wake up ivy, Ivy  just wake up jesus" (that was about Asher)

I see high ceilings, marble floors, beautiful paintings. I continue walking until I see a bar, with a strawberry daiquiri already waiting to be sipped on. When I get to the bar I see an envelope. The envelope reads "My dearest Ivanna, it seems that your life has flipped around by this point. I know you feel empty. If you don't I'm not doing my job quite right. You don't deserve what you have love. I will stop at nothing until I break you. But until then my dear have fun sipping your favorite frozen drink I know it's your favorite. Love, well you'll see soon enough" I sipped the drink and continued shaking, A letter like that would frighten any sane person. I walked down the halls my heels clicking my velvet dress rubbing against my legs. I walked up the stairs and found a rose. With a note that says "you're getting warmer" I gulped. I don't even know how I got here. Where even am I?

I follow up the stairs nervously shaking. Why? Who would want to hurt me? All I've ever endured is pain and loss. Thinking of it all cuts into me, making me want to whither away to the nothingness I feel deep inside but I know I can't. If I keep going I'll find the person who wants to hurt me and possibly the murderer of Chase and now I'm fueled with the longing of vengeance. I elegantly walk up the stairs, my head held high and a calm feeling settled inside me. At least now if I die I can say I faced it head on. I panted Why is there so many stairs? Jeez at this point I kind of just want them to put me out of my misery.

I finally get to a large door and walk in. There stands a woman in the dark but I know it's a woman because of her slim figure. "Hello my beloved betrayer." Her voice deep and full of hatred. "Karli? What the fuck?" I spit back. "You want to know why I want you dead baby sis? You are a manipulative little bitch. We were kids and what did you do? You left me to die! Your own blood! And what happens when I come back? You are toying with the two gang members that killed my foster father.. the only person who cared about me. What do you have to say for yourself?" By now she was gritting her teeth and gripping my face. "I-I thought you were gone! I was so young I didn't want to die! Karli please understand!" She shook her head viciously and chuckled " I would never have left your pouty ass to die! But know? I'm gonna be the one to end it all right now." I nodded and stopped talking, I deserve this. There I was falling to pieces right in front of her but I was determined to keep a strong facade till the end. I hear a gun cock and I knew I had to keep a locked Jaw and a strong front. She wraps her arm around my waist and gets behind me and whispers into my ear "Want me to shoot your head or your throat? Maybe I should make you suffer.." I feel the cold metal against my cheek and she slowly slides it up farther to my temple. "This is the end for you princess, time to wake up." And I hear the trigger as I take in my last gasp of air.

I wake up and my throats like sand paper grinding Against itself. My eyes weak and sensitive but the first noise I hear is sobs, a lot of sobs. Next I hear beeping of the hospital life monitor telling me I'm alive. I look around to see mom, dad, Chase and Asher?! CHASE?? "No. No. YOU WERE KILLED! I sob although my throat tightens and I wince in pain. "Someone get her water! My baby is awake after 7 months!" My mother screams. A nurse rushes in and checks everything and gives me a glass of water with a straw. I sip on the water ultimately feeling refreshed. "What do you mean 7 months momma?" She looks down, "you were hit by a car speeding, it was a hit and run baby." She starts crying and my dad wraps his arms around her. "My love, our baby is awake we can't dwell on that pain anymore, she's here with us." My eyes widen "Chase you can't talk to Karli anymore! She's going to kill you!" He looks at me questioning me. "Who is Karli?" I look down, "She's my sister." My mom scoffs "You are the only child." What? No. No. She's my sister. "Someone explain why I'm thinking all of these things!" I broke down. "You came home one day, saying these girls did awful things to you, so we took you to the doctor, they said there could have been verbal bullying but nothing physical, so they kept testing different things and they found out you had schizophrenia, You slowly started getting worse and worse mumbling insane things and the boys were concerned and one day you were getting off the bus in your own head I assume, and the bus had been going down the road and you were walking and a car hit you baby." I sulked "I'm crazy? I was hit by a fucking car?!" Asher grabbed my hand "The doctors think your schizophrenia has eased up and with medication you might be able to suppress it all together baby. " he kissed my hand and tingles shot up my arm. Chase gave me a goofy grin and said "Right after you're out of here we are grabbing ice cream!"

And that is the end! Just as twisted as it started! Leave comments, concerns and questions and thank you so very much for following me in this long journey of writing this through every trial and self journey I've gone through through the years! I love you all so much🖤🖤

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