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"Take you down another level
And get you dancing with the devil
Take a shot of this"(wicked games-the weeknd)

I always have thought of myself as strong. I always held my head high when others could not. Not that im bragging or anything but its an admirable quality to be independent.For example, when you are twenty, do you want a man who still lives in his moms basement playing xbox and drinking or a man who has a job,house and car? I hope you choose the second option.. Anyway back to my point. It has been a month since the incident and I can not seem to function without the twins.

Chases p.o.v

    A MONTH! It has been a month since someone did such....PSYCHOTIC, VILE, DISGUSTING things to my beautiful princess. I have been searching for the person, long and hard but Ivy said she did not remember who did it because they were masked. I did not want to overwhelm her by asking about the events but its killing me! I have lost a ton of sleep, I have lost my tan, I  lost my smile.

I know..I know.. You are thinking I haven't known her long, how could I possibly care this much for her? Well, Im not sure exactly how all of this happened honestly.The universe works wonders. All I can say is Ivana Priscillia Jade has captured me in her metaphorical net and I think Im going to stick with it.I will not sleep till I find the monster..When I do? Im going to kill them. Im not over exaggerating, my gang will shoot them. I am nice till you mess with what is mine/ or what will be mine.

ivanas P.O.V

I Have been back in school for a month.. Heres a few things that I avoid these days.


1.Telling who did that stuff

2.I avoid Jessica

3. I no longer go to public bathrooms

So I can never sleep..(fyi) I met this guy named Cody that gives me pills that keep me up. I know its not healthy and it can become an addiction but I will be fine..

*present tense*

Lately I sit with Shawn in English. he is really funny an he definitely needs my tutoring.. Hes not the sharpest knife in the coloring box..but hes attractive and he is  super funny. Who am I to judge either way? We sat there joking about the teacher ms. Donn and about how her hair day is the worst its ever been and she is twinning The weeknd. It is always pretty fun but abruptly a very agitated sigh and a loud slam comes from the classroom to present a very angry Chase. I have never seen him mad so this is a big change.. "Ivy I need to talk to you." He barked glaring at Shawn. I got up and followed him. "I figured out who did it to you. You lied to me, do you know I have been tearing myself up over this?" I sat there feeling guilty. " WELL DO YOU???" I flinched at his tone."Im sorry Ivy, It just hurts to know that  you lied." I sighed "I know Chase I just don't like going to people for help.." He sighed "Its ok, I understand." then he continued "Im dealing with her as we speak."  He put a lot of energy into the word dealing I thought to myself. "who??Oh.." I remember who . "Jessica." he said. "But, You were more than just beaten..and the other thing that happened included..." He audibly gulped  "a male..So who is he?" He asked his eyes lit with a demonic spark..It was quite scary to see him like this.

"Honestly, hand on the Bible I have no idea." I tried remembering "He..had black hair and green his early twenties..muscular.." I shook  trying not to remember the prior events.

"we will figure it out, when we do his head will be rolling." He said through gritted teeth.




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