Chill bro

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       *Karli's p.o.v*

   So Chase told me that we are going to enjoy fun things with his friends and family

   horse back riding= 10-12

lunch= 1-3

shopping= 4-7

glow in the dark jet skiing= 7-12

PLUS WE ALL HAVE A ROOM ON THE SAME HOTEL FLOOR. So woohoo I get to hang out with them I'm so excited. (Sarcasm!) (with everyone)

I need to remember why I'm doing this.  I'm starting to get feelings for Chase which makes it much harder for me to get my job done. But it will be done.

We all woke up at 8:30 I did my waterproof make up and got driving. Let me tell you, when you have used Chase as a pillow he holds onto you like your his air I swear..He just latches on like a sloth on a tree.. "Chasseeeyy you need to wake up and get ready!" He groaned and pulled me closer. "WAKE UP NOW BEFORE I LOOSE AIR!" He groaned once more. "But I don't wannaaaaaa." He whined like a two year old being told to leave the toy store. "Fine. No more kisses for you." I stated confidently. He got up reluctantly, scowling. "How rude." He stomped away to go change I suppose. He came back in dark grey slacks and a white button down and black timberlands. There was one thing that stood out. His face. Sexy. But he had my bra over his eyes like little kids do. And a huge grin.

"Hmm. I suppose you don't want to see me in that anymore." He threw it off in like a millisecond. "Okay! It's off see!" I laughed "yes honey. I see." I mocked him with a motherly tone. "So I assume we are ready?" He nodded and he grabbed his keys. We met down in the hotel lobby too get some food. After we were done with our breakfast we all paired up and rode down too the meadows too ride the horses. We took the Mercedes g wagon. Chase had recently bought, so that sat at most eight people. After we got too the meadows we were still in pairs too choose a horse

We ended up picking a large stallion that was black with white cascading down the sides to the hooves. We saddled her up and I hopped on after chase. "Okay baby hold on okay?" He asked quietly. I nodded against him. It's going to hurt me much more to kill you chasey.

We rode in comfortable silence. Through the shaded trees, glistening golden streaks of sun and wind blowing through our hair. "So how is job searching going?" He asked with a low tone. I had been meeting the gang and keeping it a secret so he would never find out my plans. If he did, he would be fueled by anger to do something as far as killing me. We all know I'm far too pretty for that.

  "Hello is anyone in that pretty little head of yours?" He asks tapping my head. "It's good I haven't found an agency that fits my style but I know I'll find something." I answered trading my eyes to look past him so he doesn't see through my lies. 

I wish I could go back to when I was a little girl, when the only lies I told was about stealing a cookie out of the jar. Now, I lie about things that could sentence me to prison for my whole life plus ten. We finally came up to a tall willow tree. He helped me off the horse and we hobbled over towards the tree and I was shocked too see a large white blanket already spread out on the ground then rose petals led to what looked like a platform built in the tree. I climbed up the tree which wasn't hard since willow trees are lower to the ground.

"Wow." I stated just looking at everything. He blushed then scratched the nape of his neck, I could see the blush forming. "This is why I was gone so long yesterday, and why I wanted to sleep longer because after you dozed off I wanted to do this for you. For us." He murmured.

I didn't say anything but I crawled onto his lap and let him cradle me and kissed him lightly.

Honestly we stayed like that the whole time, for about an hour then ride around then met the crew in the car.

"So where are we eating?" I asked loudly. They all just looked at me with blank faces. "What I'm hungry." I stated pouting.

Asher sighed." I'm down with going to outback." They all nodded. "To outback it is!"

Long story short we ate, I really don't think you need that much details for a quick sit down.

At exactly four we were out and getting ready to go too forever 21 despite the groans we got from the guys. I only had a thousand so I had to spend carefully. I looked through the racks skimming my hand over different fabrics and found one pair of shorts that were white tears, a plain black pair, a white brazier, and a blue crop top. That was one hundred dollars. We went to Victoria's Secret, Dunhams, and a few other places and by the end of the shopping spree/boys torture I had about four hundred dollars left. I  spent a lot more than I wanted too. It was  about six thirty and  we needed to go get changed so that's what we did. Me and Ivy we finished and headed out.

Honestly not sure why I go through all of this because it confuses me but it is whatever. We still had a few minutes to spare, and we were already in our bikinis just chilling out when all the sudden a cold liquid splashes on our heads and slides down our backs. I let out an earth shattering squeal and the boys faces paled and the buckets dropped to the floor. "What are you doing I can't swim!" I screamed out acting angry. They looked dumb stricken and then they started stuttering and I busted out laughing. "You guys are dumb asses, how would I swim if I'm standing inside?" I laughed out hysterically. They grunted and walked away.

After that encounter we stood in front of the ski instructor impatiently. She was definitely a number. Her tan skin glistened with the golden streaks the setting sun set upon her, highlighting the brown streaks of hair and crystal blue eyes. The black bikini showed off how thick she was.. wait I must look like a creep checking her out. "Okay guys we are almost ready! Grab some glow spray, spray it all over your body except your bathing suits and then pair up!

I found chase and we chose to be red. The other team was Ash and some bimbo. They were purple. And Shawn and Ivy were blue. I kind of feel bad that I slept with both twin brothers but I mean a girl has needs and all. Anyways all of the girls were hooked with laser tag things and we were already glowing from the spray. This has to be the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Anyways we get hooked with water proof laser tag vests. And then we hooked up to the water boarding that was hooked up to the jet ski. As Chase started I was already getting the hang of it but I heard the others approaching so I "swiftly" turned which ungracefully threw me under water. I pulled myself back up and took a shot at Ivy's vests. Which I got which meant she was out.

It was just me and the bimbo in the skimpy bathing suit. She was twirling her hair and giggling looking around. I let out a sigh of annoyance and yelled out "hey look it's Justin Bieber!" And like expected she turned her head and I shot her. Too easy. The guys did their turn and Ash ended up winning. On our way back to the hotel I fell asleep in the car. Minutes later I felt my body being lifted and held bridal style against someone's warm arms. I opened my eyes briefly and Chase whispered "hey baby girl I got you go back to sleep, sweet dreams I love you." And that was like a command right as he said that my eyes shut.

Long chapter! Sorry for such a long wait I wasn't getting comments or anything and I have had many family members pass recently so I just got stuck but I'm back and shhh but I may or may not be working on 3 more chapters! Anyways shoutout to my boyfriend, Dyllan who is my light and inspiration happy Valentine's Day!

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