Back to school

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You know that dreaded day that noone likes, they hate it so much they have memes about it with the grumpy cat? Yeah. Mondays. Back to school, back to work, back to reality. We make sure we have the best weekend possible then its like leaving a fairy tale. I am the princess, school is the dragon.My knight? does not exist. I grabbed on some sweats and a white tee and slipped on my converse, then brushed my teeth, put my hair up in a messy bun, grabbed a muffin and left. Typical lazy day outfit and breakfast. I ran in the large walkway and the bell sounded signalling first block. "Oh joy." I muttered to myself as I seen Ash shoving his tongue down some chicks throat. I would love to say names but hes devouring too much of her face.I slid past the two and loaded my stuff into my locker

With one more groan I went into class and mr.Cutie (aka Shawn) sat next to me and I blushed and looked away. "Hey You, You look like you put forth so much effort into todays outfit" He started off then checked me out and we chuckled."Dude who has time to plaster their face in make up, pick out the perfect pearls for the day, pick out stylish heels and outfit? NOT ME" I shouted I looked over and laughed. I heard someone mocking my laugh but in a manly/girly squeak. I looked over to see Ash. Wow, No surprise there huh? He was already flirting with some other chick. The teacher started doing the usual lecture about biology and I sat there scribbling down notes for quite a while when I felt a warm source of heat come into contact with my lower back.

I looked over and saw Shawn circling his fingers on my back causing me to stifle a giggle and arch my back.He quickly glimpsed at me and lowered his hand to my knee rubbing up and down which caused me to hold back a groan.He went to my mid thigh and did the same thing and I couldnt think straight. lets see 1+1=cookie right? no. no. 1+1=4 yeah not right.he started going to my inner thigh going higher and higher as I bit my lip. "FIRETRUCK!!!!" Asher screamed. Everyone looked back to see Ash and he was furious making straight eye contact with me but then hiding his anger with a smile and shouted "Oh..ER .. FIRETRUCKS ARE THE MOST WELL KNOWN MAMMALS." OH my..

Shawn abruptly pulled his hand away after sighing. I looked back at Ash, and he winked at me his green eyes glittering with humor and happiness. Ms.Wayne spoke up finally breaking the anger/humor filled tension in the room."Mr.Ash" She was a younger teacher at most 23. She batted her eyelashes with her chestnut hair flickering into her blue eyes. She had a seductive tone but she tried to sound formal. "I would like to see you after class..for disrupting.. and we will discuss how long we...I mean you have detention." I rolled my eyes. Does this woman not have anything better to do? I raised my hand. "Can we PLEASE get back to ACTUAL learning?" She scoffed. "whatever, miss...miss..I did not even know you were in my class.." I once again, rolled my eyes, this woman has some guts. I went to correct her and her inappropriate, immature actions. "Her name is Ivana Priscilla Jade.'' Ash spoke quickly and sternly. Ms.Wayne coughed a little and a small groan was heard and she said"Yes of course, i have so many students I am sorry Ms.jade."

After class, Mrs.Wayne like she said, called Ash and he came out with lip stick on his lips, messier hair than usual, wrinkled shirt, belt unbuckled pants slid down just a little lower.I snorted, "pig". He rose an eyebrow and walked away still in a daze. I went through lunch,chem, and geology angered that he would do such a disgusting vile thing. At lunch I seen him and ms.Wayne in the teacher staff room. I walk in to go to the vending machine and she whispers faintly "I'll be over at 5'o clock.'' I scurried out into the bathroom. I puked up my pizza. Bye bye pizza. Jessica-my all time enemy;the girl who bullied my all middle school years and still bullies me in my freshmen year stood there videoing me. Videoing me puking. Stupid sick psychotic moron. " HA! I knew that was the only reason you were so skinny you anorexic nerd!" Two of her friends came out of the stalls and stood next to her smirking. "what does the witch of the west, Jessica want?" She laughed. Well You SHOULD know that The twins are mine, because im pretty, smart and Oh yeah I do not spend all of my time with my nose in a book." I sighed "yeah,yeah Ivana your a nerd, ugly and pathetic and useless..are you done yet? I have classes to get too." They all three gasped and my confidence. Jessica started chuckling. "well..sweet heart sure." they cleared a path and I cautiously walked by when I was grabbed.

Her minions yanked my arms like a tug-of-war rope.Finally they stopped and held my arms while I was kicking and screaming tears streaming down my face before anything has happened. They triple knotted my arms up to the top of the stalls. Jessica came up and and threw her fist into my stomach at least a dozen times. I was gasping for breath "Please..''My lip quivered she mocked me "please..please..Im ivana a big baby.boohoo" I took my time to breath when her fist connected with my nose,cheekbone, and jaw which caused them to become blurry.Blood spilling out of my body like a faucet of water. A man came in.he looked 28 or 29. His face tan with a stub of hair and green eyes with black spiked hair. He was attractive. But he stripped my clothes and did something that should never happen to anyone.Something that makes you feel like falling off a cliff it makes you feel like trash. worthless. After they all finally left I rose, my knees shaking softly whimpering struggling to breath. I looked into the mirror.

My hair was everywhere, dry blood splattered across my face. Hands shaking. My whole body felt like I was thrown against a wall. Everyone had vacated the school by then so I had to limp home. I passed Ashs' house and he was waving bye to Ms.Wayne I tried to hide and I almost made it all the way home when he screamed sounding mortified.

"IVY! Where have you been??" I kept walking trying to speed up when I the world started spinning, my eyes shutting and I fell.He ran up to me. For the first time seeing my bruised, lifeless face."Oh my god!" He screamed making me jump and he started tearing up. I guess Chase heard Ash and ran outside. "Wh..OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED???" He looked so worried. "p..please..g-g-get h-hel." Thats all I could say before all I see was darkness.

I woke up to beeping and looked to see my arms and face connected to wires. "WHERE AM I??!!!!" I felt two people holding my hands,with strong grips and calloused hands."Hey baby calm down, after what happened to you me and chase took you to the hospital. you are safe and sound." I let out a sigh "Today is Tuesday, you guys have school!" They chuckled "After all thats happened you are worried about school." I looked at them. "We are not leaving your side for two weeks.Now get some more rest beautiful"Chase said smoothly. One kissed my head. One kissed my cheek.

These guys have shown me some people can still be good in this world. I will hate the day I have to choose one.




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