Chapter 24

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---Kale's POV---

"What do you mean 'She's a soul-shifter'? The Headquarters are tracking the last shifters alive as we speak!" I shouted out in disbelief. There was just no way that a shifter had survived the hunt and was living right under my nose.

Lucius stepped forwards, his eyes never straying from the twins while his features became sharper, more...animalistic. Before the change, he looked like a handsome businessman minding his own but now, he fitted the vampire look to the point.

"Explain." He ordered snappy, his pupil's dilating, making his silver irises fade into the background until they formed a small halo of silver around a sea of black.

I growled with annoyance, gritting my teeth when the vampires ignored me; I was a former ALPHA. I demanded respect from my subjects and here they were, blatantly ignoring ME! It infuriated me that I had no control over those leeches but Lucius was their so-called prince, so they only answered to him.

"What's there to tell?" I spat, interrupting the younger vampire when he was about to report. It earned me a venomous glare from him and his twin brother, who looked at me like he wanted to tear my throat out. "There's NO way that she's a soul-shifter; they have their own scent, it leaves a trace that can't be missed. She's-"

The bolder, cheeky twin that was standing in front of Lucius blurred out of view from the speed he was moving with. He stopped just in front of me, where we were standing nose to nose.

"She's a mix! That's why your inferior nose can't detect her scent, dog." He hissed, blowing his cooler breath over my face and I reacted on impulse; pulling the dagger out of my jacket, I carved it over the vampire's chest, slashing it open from hip to collarbone.

Only, the blade never made contact with him. Two cool hands trapped me from behind; one was crushing the wrist that held the blade, turning the bones to a pulp, while the other hand was firmly grasping my hair, yanking my head to the side to bare my neck.

I let out a barking laugh while I tried to block the pain. "What are you going to do, leech? Feed from me? Go ahead, I drank the blood of a Demon-Lord; one drop of my blood can kill you very slowly." The words rolled from between my clenched teeth and the vampire slightly loosened his hold.

A pinprick of fear spread through me when he moved his face closer to mine so I could feel his breath running over my bared neck. "Aren't you forgetting something, dog?" He murmured in a persuasive, velvet voice. I groaned in pain when his hand squeezed my shattered wrist harder.

His low, cold chuckle echoed from the walls. "How sad, the former Alpha-dog, who is now the leader of the infamous Hunters around these parts, has forgotten one simple fact." His brother laughed with him, a smirk stuck on his face.

I snarled again, "Stop your riddles and get to the point, blood-sucker." The expressions and eyes of the other vampires hardened while Lucius was spectating with an expression that I would call amused.

"Very well." The vampire breathed, moving my head more to the side. "It's true that a demon's blood can be poisonous for us, especially a high-ranking demon. But..." he trailed off, letting his brother finish.

"As much as demon blood is venomous for us, we can kill you very, very easily." The kid had the audacity to smirk at me while Lucius put in his own two cents.

"Did you really forget that a vampire's venom is lethal for a werewolf? Even for the likes of you, all it takes is one small nick and..." he trailed off, letting the power and meaning off his sentence hang in the air.

"Cary..." he reprimanded slightly when the vampire behind me was closing in on the veins that were pulsing on the beat of my heart. Lucius sighed slightly, "Why don't you and Cian go ahead and keep eyes on the shifter?"

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