Chapter 15

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---Paige's POV---

I kept my promise to myself and stopped speaking to Jacob. Sure, I had to show him respect, being the son of the Alpha, but when I spoke to him, it was with the minimum amount of words, not going for small talk in any way.

The punishment, or rather training, continued with running, working out, fight training and others like that. The pack always gathered to watch our progress while they seemed to encourage me to do my best.

At the end of the last training session, where we had to run around with weights, Jack was nervously fidgeting while I wiped of my sweaty face. Finally he mustered the courage to come towards me.

"Uh, Paige? Do you have a minute?" he muttered while he glanced around. I nodded, curious about what he want to ask me when he signaled towards the edge of the forest. I followed him, ignoring the frown on Jacob's face while Jack breathed out loudly.

"I-Uhm. I need your help." He said softly, a concerned expression on his face. I smiled reassuringly at him and he continued, "I've found my mate." I gasped before I clapped my hands in excitement, ignoring the little sting of jealousy in my heart. I didn't have to let my friends feel as miserable as me.

"Jack, that's great! Who is she? When can I meet her? Do I know her? How-" I rambled, causing Jack to laugh before he interrupted me with a sigh, "Yes, you've met her, in fact..." he trailed of slightly before he whispered "It's Emilie."

Emilie? My best, human friend Emilie? "So, what's the problem, want me to connect the dots or are you going to fill me in?" I asked sarcastically. My grin fell from my face when Jack looked up with a shine over his eyes, being close to tears.

"I can't tell her about what we are Paige, so I asked her to be my girlfriend..." he let out a shuttering breath before he yanked at his hair in despair. "She said no." he groaned out in pain. "She doesn't know me enough, so she wants more time."

I sighed; I knew how Jack was feeling, but it was my every day sensation. Suddenly a thought sprung to mind. "Jack, have you told her how you felt about her?" He opened his mouth but I interrupted him. "Have you truly heartfelt, showed her what she means to you?"

Jack shook his head in denial, stating that he can't show his feeling because it couldn't be that strong all of a sudden, and so on. I interrupted him by shaking him rather roughly.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" he shouted out, slightly angry. I smirked before I pointed at him. "I know the perfect way to win your mate over."

------ ------

Five hours later, the whole singing class came together in the clearing close to the pack house. I tugged Emilie with me while I looked around, setting us near a big tree, before I stood back up to address the group.

"So you guys, I know this is out of the blue..." I said while I waved at the clearing and everyone sitting on the ground or blankets that they brought. "Anyway, since I haven't joined class for a month now, Mister Parker agreed to bring the class to me." I smirked before I plopped myself down next to Jack.

"You are going to sing!" I said, feeling his nerves. He was fiddling with his guitar while he shot glances at Emilie.

"What's the point in singing? She won't listen to me." He whined, a pained expression in his eyes.

I glared at him while saying, "Do you trust me?" he nodded and I looked from him to the guitar before I averted my eyes.

The others had pulled out songs that they liked, singing it with the music background from their I-pods or accompanied by Jack's guitar. And finally, it was up to Jack.

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