Chapter 8

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---Jacob's POV---

Dad pushed me along until we arrived at a quiet room, where nurses normally bring the family of deceased people to inform them about the news. He shoved me in before he slammed the door shut behind us. I could swear that I saw the glass shaking at the impact.

"Sit down!" he commanded mentally, too ticked off to speak to me. I dropped myself on the nearest chair and nervously eyed my father, who was pacing in front of me, taking deep breaths to calm himself.

"Correct me if I'm wrong," he started while he continued pacing, but he picked up the pace. That was a bad sign. "I thought that I had told you to leave your mate alone for the time being, so that you could finally use that brain of yours to realize what you've got."

He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes, and I saw that his eyes were pure silver and burning with anger. I gulped and opened my mouth to explain, but his growl stopped me in my tracks.

"Only now, I found out that my son has abused his Alpha-powers, using them to bully his own MATE-" he stopped moving and clenched his hands to fists, containing the shiver that preluded the change. I wasn't aware that I held my breath until my lungs started to protest. I took a deep breath while father regained his control.

I was surprised when father sighed and walked towards the door without any further explanation. Before I could contain myself, I blurted out "What happened to them? And what about my punishment?" Father laughed, but it had a sad tone to it. He looked at me over his shoulder.

"Paige has been attacked by hunters, forcing Nick to do your job. The hunters tried to kill both of them but Nick managed to kill them before they could do anymore damage." Father hesitated slightly before he continued; "Paige is stabbed in her ribs while Nick got shot in his shoulder. Both weapons were coated with Silver-light."

Silver-light. No, it couldn't be. It was a poison designed by the hunters, to cripple the werewolves; it took away our healing abilities for as long as the dust was still in our blood. We could easily bleed to death because our wounds wouldn't heal. But for a human, the mixture caused silver poisoning that could end up being fatal.

"As for your punishment," Father spoke after a moment, "Nick had to change, which means that Paige will be fully informed of our kind." He paused for a moment with a grim expression on his face, "meaning that I don't have to think of a punishment for you because you have created your own."

I was utterly confused while father opened the door. He probably noticed because he explained "How do you think she would feel when she learns that her soulmate had pushed her in hell for almost a month, that she wasn't allowed to have any friends or even speak to anyone, all because of you?"

Father's grip on the door tightened, creating an indentation while the wood screeched its protest. "And on top of that, what would Paige think of you when she would find out that you've been sleeping around with girls like Adrianna?" he asked with venom, causing me to cringe at the thought.

What have I done?

"You, my son, have thrown my advice to the wind and disregarded everything that I ever taught you. Paige will survive; there wasn't much silver in the wound, but you have created your very own punishment. Enjoy." He snapped with venom as he walked out, leaving me alone with my fate.

---Luke's POV---

I left my son behind with a heavy heart. It had hurt me to speak so harshly to him but his damned arrogance and ego nearly destroyed our pack's future. Nearly killing his own mate by ignoring her, just because we all assumed that she was human.

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