Chapter 14

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---Paige's POV---

I was literally rolling on the floor, laughing out loud for Jacob's confused look while he was slightly pouting. He had looked that way since I kicked his butt in the small race towards home. After I had calmed down, we stood up and started walking.

"I still can't understand how you beat me. I had a head start for crying out loud!" he whined while we walked towards his house. I grinned at him before I lightly shrugged. "Maybe you need to work out some more." I stated and dodged his playful jab towards my ribs.

"Yeah man, I mean, you lost to a girl..." Tyler said while he pointed at me. Nick smirked while he punched Tyler in the shoulder "That girl has you covered in paint dude!" I rolled my eyes at them while I was walking in front of them.

They witnessed our last part of the race, where I had plunged out of the forest victoriously with a panting Jacob on my trail. He might have won... if I played fair. I shook my head. Nah, not even then.

When he took off before he gave the start signal, I had closed the gap by quickly shifting into my cheetah-form. As soon as I was hot on his tail, I had shifted back in my wolf and used the momentum that I had built up to race past him like a bullet. I was surprised that I hadn't tripped over my own paws, due to the speed I was running with.

Jack's mood had improved and he was occasionally poking me, grating my nerves while we arrived at our street. Only to be greeted by a very unwelcoming sight.

Jacob's father Luke was standing on the porch of the packhouse, his whole body was stiff and tensed while his eyes were spitting fire. All five of us gulped loudly before we hesitantly rushed towards our enraged Alpha.

"I've been called today by your parents, after they have been called by the dean to notify that you've been suspended for a week." Luke started, looking at each and every one of us. We all let our head hang down, hoping for a hole in the ground to escape from his gaze that was burning in our heads with an intensity you couldn't believe.

"Every single parent has given me permission to punish you as I see fit." Luke finished, what caused our heads to snap up; mine with a confused expression, the others with a dreadful expression.

Coach Drake stepped out of the house, accompanied by a chorus of groans from the others. He had a huge, satisfied grin on his face while he stared at us before he explained his presence. "My brother has asked me to teach you pups some dignity and respect. So let's get started, shall we?"

Drake was walking ahead of us when Alpha Luke called him. "Drake!" he turned back, a questioning frown on his face. Luke glanced at me before he stated "No exceptions." Drake nodded sharply, his grin expanding before he led us towards the backyard. The guys were looking at me funnily but I didn't mention it.

"Very well, you pups better listen to me." Drake looked at his watch while he continued. "You kids have two minutes to change outfits and get back here. Whoever is late will get an extra lap per half minute tardiness." He widened his stance before he nodded slightly.

Both Nick and I rushed towards our house, stomping up the stairs before we split ways. I literally dove in my closet before I yanked out a black singlet and a pair of combat-shorts with some side pockets along with a thin hoodie. I slid them on and dashed back outside with my ruined t-shirt still in my hands.

I kicked up some dust when skidding to a halt before Coach Drake, who smiled impressed at me. Then his gaze dropped to my t-shirt in my hands and I saw his lip twitch slightly. Nick quickly followed, then Jacob, Jack and last Tyler.

As soon as Tyler came into view, I flung my ruined t-shirt towards him. I really loved my aim; it flopped right in his face with a wet splat, giving him some fresh paint-streaks. "You own me a new shirt Tyler, since you have ruined it!" I said before I looked back at Drake. He smirked at me before he nodded at Tyler, "I have to agree on that."

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