Chapter 5

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---Paige's POV----

Jack was leading me ahead, trying to get us through the mob that wanted to eat. I was kind of shocked by all the noise that they were making. Eventually we crawled out of the mass and Jack pointed to a table, where Nick, Tyler and a few of the other guys were sitting.

"Go ahead and sit with them, I'm going to get us some food." He said while he pushed me ahead. He turned around and disappeared while I made my way to the table.

"Paige! You've survived that hungry mob!" Nick said, wiping away a fake tear.

I looked at him and turned at Tyler and whisper-yelled from behind my hand, "Do you know what's wrong with him?" Tyler grinned and playfully shook his head, "I have no idea." He said, clearly playing along. Nick playfully scowled at us and punched Tyler in the arm.

"Hey! What was that for?" Tyler asked, rubbing his arm. Nick just shrugged and pulled a chair back for me. I took a seat while I dropped my bag down on the floor. Looking back up, I saw more than six guys staring at me with curiosity in their eyes.

I blinked when Jack came back with a plate of food piled on it. The guys diverted their attention and almost lunged at the food. After a few seconds, the plate was empty; not even a crumb was left behind. I looked around to see everyone eating and huffed, crossing my arms with annoyance causing some of the guys to look up.

"Paige? What's wrong?" Nick asked me. I rolled my eyes at him, did he seriously had to ask that? I pointedly looked at the food he had in his hands and showed him my own: empty. They seemed to slowly realize that they actually took all the food before I could even look at it, as a few guys around me looked slightly embarrassed, shuffling on their seats while guiltily looking towards their plates piled up with food.

"Heads up!" someone said, and I saw an apple flying my way. I quickly grabbed it out of the air and looked at the pitcher. Tyler was smiling with a self-satisfied grin on his face. I looked back at the apple and finally grinned at him.

"Thanks Ty, I owe you one." I said happily while biting down on the apple. He gave me a suggestive smile and I rolled my eyes. "Not that much." I muttered, causing him to lightly chuckle before he sat down and started to eat.

It took relatively no time at all for the boys to finish their food while I was still eating. Seemingly, werewolves had a never-ending appetite. Some of them were even eying my apple, while they had eaten several slices of pizza and other delicious fast food. Nick looked at them with an amused smile.

"Come on, let the girl eat something." He said while he muttered "pigs!" quite loudly. I gave him a fake scowl and he smirked at me. "You know, you have wolfed down enough food of your own." I said in a teasing way, causing some of the guys to laugh. Probably because my choice of words.

"Ah, come on! I was hungry." He exclaimed.

I just shrugged while I bit another piece of my apple. "I saw how you ate your food. You're a savage." I smiled at the fake-hurt face he was pulling, puppy eyes included.

"Ouch, girl you're cruel. That's not the Paige I know." He said while he put his hand over his heart. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Like you know me that long." I smirked.

Jack nodded from across me. "Good point." He smirked. I noticed that all the guys from the table were, yet again, staring at me. What was I for these wolves? All-you-can-eat-buffet?

Ignoring the stares of everyone around me, I pulled out my roster to see what class I had next. I almost smirked when I noticed I had P.E. Those boys probably thought they could win easily from me, since I am a girl. But thanks to being a shifter, I had inhuman reflexed, more specifically, animal reflexes. The more forms I learned, the stronger I got.

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