Knowing is the Entire Battle

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How do I put you into words

You ugly ugly thing

So ugly that there is nothing to be said of you

You there, lurking in the corner

Trying to twist yourself into a flower

Pretty for everyone else but me

Thorns sticking the places that can't be seen

Too many nerves in the mind hands

But why should it matter if they understood

What would you have them do upon seeing an eternal stream of blood

A never closing, festering wound

Scream in relatability?

Fall with you?

You never wanted that

But you wanted that

Should they applaud in a solemn manner?

At the very least reduce uncomfortable silence

Ah yes, the silence. Not the silence is all I ask.

A blinking stare because I'm speaking a language we're supposed to ignore

Or at least in public

God please, Satan please, everyone please

I beg of you

Listen? No.

Smile? No.

I suddenly remember why we're silent

No words. Dictionaries, thesauruses, pages untouched

No one looks for the words, and so there are none

Just ugly

Ugly ugly ugly

A shadow joining me at dawn and dusk

Things shaping me into ugly

Feelings slapping nerves into ugly

Metaphorical blood, because it's not ugly

I think we're waiting for someone to speak ugly on behalf of us

I would, but I haven't the words.

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