Old Fashioned

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I didn't experience trauma.
I watched it and listened to it. I sat in a house where the outside was always stormy and so windy that I thought maybe the house would cave in. Maybe I would blow away.
I didn't.
I just watched and listened to creaks and groans and destruction that I couldn't prevent. That I was the reason of.

I'm not supposed to be here.
I wasn't meant to live here, today, or tomorrow.
I should've been born yesterday because I could never be prepared for society and how little they cared.
He didn't rape me so it wasn't as bad.
He didn't hit me so it wasn't as terrible.
It could've been worse.
But they don't understand
It could've been better
It should've been better

I just watched and listened​ in my house that I built to keep me safe.
Boarded up the windows, locked every door.
I was a good little girl and it hurt me.
That's all I can say for now
Because good little girls don't tattle tale.
And no one understands the words so what's the point.
Pain is a language everyone knows but no one wants to talk about.
If they did
Then they really didn't speak it fluently.

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