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I'm sorry that our time has been cut short
We wasted so many months being angry
Now that we're better there is no time
Some might call it ironic, even tragic
But I don't regret the lost time
Because it wasn't lost, wasted, or ill-spent
We needed that
To grow up without each other
How would we have found peace if we only lived desperately in each other's company
If only for the sake of having it
It's not that we're better without each other
You learned to want just as I learned to live without
Together we can improve the penicillin in our bodies
To combat the virus bitten in our skin
I won't think about the receding days
You won't either because we made a language of our own
Entire conversations, memories, in one word
A list we'll never remember together
Something to write down in the ache of absence
And if this all seems so apathetic remember the roles we gave the other to be strong
The detective and the god
A character to play when I bleed and you sink
So we can think we're better than this
Maybe one day we will be
Today we can be sad

Leave but don't forget

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