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Change is happening, and change is never black and white.
Change is always grey
Like the smudged mascara that's dyed the skin under her eyes dark
Dark like sleepless nights she's never had
Her sleep doesn't dictate a mental luxury
Being tired is nothing new but being spent is something dull and weak
How can you be wasted when we've only just begun?
Well, you've got hell coming for you if you think this is rock bottom
Poor little snowflake, your lips are brighter than your smile
And while they always hold a defiant smirk
Your hands are never steady
But who's to say you aren't willing to move
And do the work that needs to be done
One more step
One more loop
One more dance with the devil
Except temptation was never our concern.
Be kind
Be considerate
And straighten those shoulders, you'll never be worthy with a crooked back.
Grey like my world
With its complications and its hindrances
But really just grey like my sunken skull

Have you been getting enough sleep?

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