Capture a Moment

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You were a person whom I was to meet and never forget.
How could I when I saw your eyes.
They always talk about eyes and I know it's cliché, but I can't help it.
Your eyes hold something that terrifies and calms me in the same second.
They hold a gentle defiance that I have never seen before. They flicker from sad petals to sharp stones. They never contrast as much as they do coexist.
The color varies depending on what you wear, and how you feel in it.
A refreshing lime one moment, and a jaded...Well...Jade the next. Oh but then there's the endless blues and greys and sparks of violet that you think you don't have, and the whirlwind of mixes and blurs and splotches and oh! If only an artist saw them they would cry and name the color after you.
But after this, alas, I'm afraid I have no further words that would do them justice, and I pity myself and the language that we speak for not serving you properly.
For now, allow me the privilege of seeing your gaze meet mine as your raspberry lips click in irritation for when I once again find myself in your irises.

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