My love/hate relationship

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Music is the most beautiful and damaging thing you will ever hear. It can make your day 10 times better, or 100 times worse in three minutes or less.

Not only does it make you vomit your emotions and choke them back into the pit of your stomach again, but when you listen to music, it will take you on multiple trips down memory lane.

You'll remember things you would rather forget, and it'll show you mistakes you've never known to make, just by a simple lyric.

It also teaches us how to value and respect ourselves for the unique individuals that we are.

It heals our very souls and mends the broken parts we don't know what to do with.

It will make a baby jump for joy and a grown man cry, but it never leaves us behind; it's always there, waiting for us to pick up the headphones and tune out the world.

Music is the friend that is never too busy or too tired to lend a hand; whether it's the hand that pushes you into a temporary hole or pulling you out of one, is your choice.

Don't ever doubt that music can't find a song to describe your mood exactly.

So screw you music, for making me feel in the first place, and thank you music, for saving my life.

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