Chapter Twenty Two

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They drive directly to the bed and breakfast they spent the night at that's run by a sweet elderly couple. They rush out of the van with Dendera in tow carried by Harkyn and Thaddeous. As they approach the front door Serah throws out her arm palm first sending a wave of energy through the heavy wooden frame shattering it to splinters. Naturally this terrifies the old couple who were sitting in the living area with several guests.

The guests now frightened, bolt for the front door and run into the night screaming, the sight of bloodied men and women carrying a dying woman is enough to make them realize they don't want to spend the night there.

"The table, bring her to the table!" Thaddeous commands as they rush into the kitchen and lay the elder vampire across a large, oak table big enough to seat twelve.

They watch as Dendera fights to breathe not sure exactly what to do, Serah places her hands on Dendera's wound and applies great pressure.

"Blood... she needs fresh blood, units and animal blood won't do, she needs fresh, live, human blood. It's the only thing that will boost her healing..." Serah says as they all look at one another with no other humans around except...

Thaddeous looks over at the elderly couple huddled on the couch watching the horrific events unfold.

"No... no these people helped us we can't!" Harkyn protests.

"I will not lose her now, not to the Sheppards, there is no other choice." Thaddeous replies as he lays Dendera's head down gently on the table and approaches the trembling old couple.

The old man stands up shaking with fear as his wife clings to his arm trying to stop him. Even in old age and terrified he tries to stand in between Thaddeous and the love of his life. The huge vampire towers above him by two feet, he looks down with pity and remorse at the old man, "Forgive me... you have been kind to us but heaven forgive me." Thaddeous then slams his heavy fist into the head of the old man knocking him unconscious.

As the man's body falls it is caught in Thaddeous's powerful arms, he cradles the old man and carries him over to Dendera. He lays the man on the table next to Dendera and bites into his neck with long fangs. As blood pours out onto the table Thaddeous lifts Dendera into the sitting position and brings the old man's neck up to her mouth. Even in her dying state the scent and taste of fresh blood oozing into her mouth and down her lips awakens her.

She sprouts her fangs and digs in deep sucking powerfully as if she had thirst for years. Her eyes become blood red and as she sucks him dry she can hear the sound of his wife crying out and screaming in the living room just beyond the kitchen. Dendera looks into her eyes as the old woman screams and covers her face in horror at the nightmare unfolding before her.

Soon the man is dead; the home is quiet except the cries of the old woman in the next room. Dendera stands up slowly with the help of Thaddeous and Serah and hobbles into the room with the old woman. She looks down at her wound in the center of her chest and sees skin slowly beginning to fuse together over a once near fatal blow. The fresh life force of the man excited her already heightened healing and senses.

She walks and stands over the woman and slowly kneels down in front of her, the woman cringes and pulls back ready for her turn to die. Dendera reaches out and touches her face gently, in doing so her mind is flooded with visions and memories that are not hers.

She sees a boy and girl in seventh grade, notes exchanged and smiling. Then she sees middle school kisses on a bus and soon wandering hands at a high school dance. She feels the touch of skin on hers as they make love in the back of a car and again on a bed while parents are downstairs. She sees arguing and feels the sadness of a lover breaking her heart. Then joy when they find love again, visions of hugging and crying together when they stand over a pregnancy test that reads positive and again as they stand before family and friends exchanging vows. She feels enormous pride and happiness as she holds her grandchildren and struggles to keep up with them as they run about. Dendera pulls her hand away as tears roll down her face.

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