Chapter Seventeen

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In this nameless field outside of the stadium grounds four survivors take refuge and a short moment to catch their breath from a vicious ambush that has claimed so many lives. Dendera stands up and surveys everyone's wounds. She herself has lacerations on her thighs, side and face; she has suffered a puncture wound and multiple bites from wolves and vampires.

Harkyn is mostly unharmed save a massive bruise on his face and ribcage. Immy is about the same; she has puncture wounds and still bleeds from the witch's icy attack that opened her thigh. She also feels like a rib is cracked from the white haired man's kick.

Colson is worse for the wear... he is only human after all and does not benefit from vampire and nephilim's increased healing abilities. He is heavily cut on his bicep, has multiple gashes in his chest and a few bite puncture wounds in his back. Immy stumbles to him and leans in.

"Colson... It's ok, we're going to get you help." Immy says as she runs her fingers through his hair.

Harkyn looks around at the open field surrounded by trees in the distance, "Immy where the hell are we?"

"Tai... tailgate spot..." Colson answers through strained words.

"This is where Colson took me on the date; it was a tailgate party... I brought us here because well... it's what came to mind when I was running.

Immy remembers that night, it was perfect. She remembers the trucks, music, and that kiss... the kiss. A nephilim can only shadow walk to a place they can see, have seen or see through an image. During the chaos this is the place Immy saw in her mind to run to.

"Immy we need to keep moving, I worry of your mother, Elie and the rest of my sect..." Dendera says calmly placing a hand on Immy's shoulder as she huddles over Colson.

"Shit Dendera... did none of your sect make it..." Harkyn asks looking around noticing that only the four are in the field.

Dendera gives Harkyn a saddened look and he looks down mournfully, "I'm so sorry."

Immy begins to stand and reaches to pull Colson up to carry him once more but Dendera stops her.

"Child, where we may end up is no place for him..." Dendera says sadly as she looks at the fragile and wounded Colson.

Immy looks at Dendera who looks back into her eyes, she then looks at Harkyn who looks at her and then curses, "Shit..." He says as he turns away saddened at what must be done.

"Immy, they came to that field in search of us... had we not been with these mortals I believe no harm would have befallen them. This boy escaped tonight, he will have trauma for all his days from this but he will live... do not rob him of his second chance. Immy, I know more than most, that though you may have feelings for this mortal... he cannot exist in your world." Dendera assures the young half breed.

Immy looks down at Colson with tears forming in her eyes, Colson senses this as well and he begins to tear up.

"Immy, wh... what's (Coughing) going on... are you leaving me..." Colson asks as he reaches for her shoulder.

Immy begins to cry, she places her hands on Colson's face and looks into his eyes. She then pulls out her phone and begins to dial a number, "Yes I was just in the attack at the stadium, we ran into the woods and didn't stop until we were out of breath... we found a guy who was in the attack out here also he must have gotten away somehow but he's hurt real bad..." Immy then finishes by giving directions to the field to the 911 operator.

"Immy... n... no, please don't leave me... I don't kn... (Coughing) Know what you are but I don't care I lo... you." Colson pleads fading in and out of consciousness.

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