Chapter Eleven

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Back in Jasper Alabama, Colson pulls into a diner on Chapel Hill, the town's main street. It's not a particularly fancy or upscale restaurant but Immy is giving it a chance. Colson hops out and opens Immy's door, she smiles at the gesture again and at the complete transformation of a jock into a gentleman.

"So, Bo's diner huh?" Immy says playfully with a smile.

"Oh baby, don't knock it till you try it. Besides, what did you expect? The cliché Italian dinner at thirty bucks a plate?" Colson replies smiling confidently.

Immy nods her head impressed by his originality, "Okay, okay Coleslaw- let's see what you got."

Inside it has all the familiar trimmings of a small town diner. The spinning bar stools, deer antlers mounted on the walls and even an antique jukebox. Surprisingly the place is kind of busy, regulars no doubt but it gives a lively atmosphere nonetheless.

"Colson! How you been sweetheart?" A middle aged brunette waitress asks from behind the counter.

"Hey Madison, I've been great, just here on a date."

The woman is smiling ear to ear while looking Immy up and down, "Oh my, and who is this simply beautiful girl you tricked into coming out with you?" Madison asks jokingly.

Immy holds out her hand shaking the flattering woman's, "I'm Imogen, Imogen Finley, really good to meet you."

Colson smiles at the two, "Immy this is Madison I've known her since..."

The excited woman interrupts him, "I was feeding this boy chicken strips and cheeseburgers since he was knee high to a grasshopper."

Colson shakes his head nonchalantly, "Well yeah that long." He laughs.

"Okay sweetheart I'm going to go back and talk to Bo and make sure he treats ya'll right, you just sit yourselves down here." Madison says while patting the bar stools in front of her.

She disappears to the back and whispers something to a skinny older man who is working the hot top oven and grill. He leans forward looking at Colson and Immy and smiles widely with a wink.

Immy and Colson talk and giggle as they wait for the food Madison is having Bo prepare.

After a short time that seemed even shorter thanks to good conversation with Colson, Madison appears from the kitchen and sets two plates down in front of the two. A giant burger on a classic sesame seed bun with a generous portion of deep fried onion rings sits before Immy and Colson.

"Hold on damn it; it's not ready yet until..." Madison shouts from behind the counter as she walks back over to them setting down two classic strawberry milkshakes.

Immy looks down shocked at how big the burgers are but also how juicy and succulent they look as strips of bacon stick out from under the bun with melted cheese frozen mid run down the side.

"Please don't tell me you're a vegetarian." Colson asks teasingly seeing Immy's expression.

Quiet lunch, I could drink you and show you how diverse my diet is.

"God no, I'm just trying to figure out where to start." Immy replies half laughing.

She picks up the burger in both hands and forces her mouth around the side with bacon sticking out. After a few chews she swallows and back doors it with a bite from the extra crunchy onion rings. Her face contorts with pleasure as she moans. The human food will do nothing to nourish her inhuman body but it does blow away her taste buds.

Colson smiles at her knowing Bo has once again proven himself, "Sometimes simple is best you know?" He says as he himself bites into the beast.

Immy nearly eats the entire burger, half the onion rings and a third of the shake before leaning back in on the stool, "Holy shit Colson that was amazing." She says with a bit of ketchup on her mouth.

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