Chapter Fifteen

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After the initial excitement wears off Serah and Elie decide to close early for the day and take the reunion and catch-up to Serah's home. Once they all meet up at the infamous plantation home that is a short fifteen minutes from the shop, questions and talk continue. Serah passes out thawed units of blood to all of the vampires in Dendera's sect from a large freezer in the basement.

"How in the hell did you get here so fast, it seems like I just spoke to you on the phone?" Serah asks Dendera.

Dendera sips her A-negative from a steamless wine glass and smiles, "Well after the fall and routing of the First Born, aircraft efficiency and technology took off. No doubt governments had access to First Born technology after the epidemic."

"They can make planes faster but can't build a damn cell tower near here." Elie scowls as she tries to call Harkyn and tell him Dendera is there.

Dendera peeks at the comment made by Elie and thinks of Harkyn, "How is the little one these days, I feel as though it's been ages since I've seen Harkyn."

"Well he's not so little anymore, seventeen my boy is and finishes school this year." Elie replies proudly.

"By the Gods, seventeen already... Have I been away so long?" Dendera replies looking at Serah.

"And his powers, what of our prince's abilities?" Dendera continues.

Elie smiles, "He is... strong Dendera, more powerful by the year, as a warlock he not only can summon the flame he can control fire itself when he lays eyes on it."

Dendera smiles and nods as various sect members mutter amongst themselves after hearing of Harkyn.

Dendera turns her attention to Serah, "And what of the earth angel, what of our precious Halfling and Daylen's girl... what of Imogen?" Dendera inquires.

Sera beams and cannot contain her smile at speaking of her daughter, "She is beautiful beyond words Dendera... and she is faster than Daylen was... and just as stubborn."

Dendera stands up and takes another sip of the life fluid in her glass. She walks over to the corner of the library just outside the living room where Oliver's eagle headed cane rests. She picks it up and sighs, then runs her fingers over it. Images and voices fill her mind; of Oliver's life, death, experiences and time with Daylen flood her telepathic memory. She smiles and sets it back down then turns back to Serah, Elie and the others.

"It feels like only yesterday, only a short while ago we stood shoulder to shoulder against them..." Dendera says mournfully.

"I can't seem to let him go; I miss him now more than even after he died." Serah replies to herself with Dendera placing a hand on her shoulder.

Dendera walks back over to her seat across from Serah on the couch and notices one of Immy's school textbooks. She can't help but notice the History of the ancient world, text. She opens a bookmarked page, her eyes fall upon a chapter and picture dedicated to the famous Egyptian Cleopatra. Dendera smiles and giggles to herself at the inaccuracies but finds it amusing. Her mind wanders once again with being surrounded by old friends and allies.

They all share stories and catch up on everything from the epidemic, Ari, Thaddeous, Daylen, Oliver and the O'Leary coven. After a time the sun begins to set and with it the cheerful mood. For Dendera's trip was unfortunately not just to visit... but to hunt and protect.

"So... not that I'm not blown away and stoked that you're here Dendera but... maybe you should tell us, you know... what's going on out there." Serah probes her sister and mentor.

Dendera nods in a sad but knowing way, "Yes... I wish this could be simply a pleasant visit too sister, but is anything ever just simple with our kind..."

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