
Castiel sat up, looking around.

Where am I?

Giant redwood trees towered above him. He lay on a bed of moss and foliage and rich, fertile soil. The air was thick with a wet, heavy mist that coated the back of his throat with every breath. Tiny lights floated through the air; he thought they could be fireflies, but none of them were the right color—they were all different hues of purple, pink, and blue.

He stood, brushing the leaves off of himself and walking down what seemed to be a path lined with large mushrooms that emitted just enough turquoise bioluminescence to be visible in the soft, gray light of the forest.

As he walked, every step left an impression behind on the plush, green carpet of moss. The fireflies swirled around Castiel gently. He reached out to touch one, but it flickered and flew away.

He reached a clearing. A giant stone statue was carved into the hill above him, a face with a waterfall of tears streaming down into a glittering lake, the surface covered in algae and lily pads. Fluffy pink cat tails poked through the water and Castiel could see colorful fish gliding through the pond.

He walked towards the water and crouched, reaching a hand out to touch it. He tapped a single finger along the surface, and it rippled. He felt a sharp prick. He hissed and ripped it back to look—he had a long, slender cut across the pad of his finger; the water seemed to have cut him like glass. One drop of blood beaded to the surface and rolled down his finger, and made a soft "plop" as it immediately diffused in the water, turning the liquid around it red.

As Castiel nursed the cut on his finger, he saw something in the water. It was difficult to make out, but he could see a long, pale object rising up towards him.

It broke the surface of the water, and Castiel could see now that it was-

A finger..??

Now, an entire hand was beginning to appear. It was followed by an arm, that led a hand that grasped around the shore, looking for something to pull itself up. Castiel backed away, not wanting whatever this thing was to touch him. Someone was rising from the water. A man. A tall man. He was covered in flowers and kelp, but rather than just draping over him, they seemed almost to be growing from his skin.

Opening his eyes, Castiel was unsettled by their striking emerald hue. He began to walk towards Castiel, but as he did, his features became less pale and blank, they were beginning to take shape.

The man was now standing over Castiel, their eyes locked as the man tilted his head to the side, studying Cas. He was completely silent.

He reached up, delicately placing a cold hand on Castiel's face. His breath hitched. The man leaned forward, laying a kiss on his forehead. As he pulled away, Castiel suddenly realized who was in front of him.


Cas shot up, eyes flying open, breaths short. He reached for his phone, flipping it to check the time. Above the many notifications from the Charlie's Angels group chat, he could see 6:45 in crisp, white font.

Shit, I fell asleep.

He rubbed a hand across his forehead and yawned deeply. The events of the dream still fresh in his mind, he quickly became very puzzled as to what it all meant.

Why did I dream of something so bizarre? Why is my English teacher showing up in my dreams? And why is he kissing me?

Castiel was very confused.

He got up, strolling through the hallway and swinging around the bannister to jog down the stairs. He could hear the sounds of cooking in the kitchen below.

Smoking In the Boys Room // DestielWhere stories live. Discover now