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Lauren ran up the soccer field, dribbling the ball past the defenders. She took deep breaths as she ran, ran almost for her life to get the ball to the net. This game was important. They were tied 2-2, only a few minutes remained in the match. If they won this game they would go to a game qualifying for first place. If they lost they would go down to forth. This was Lauren's last year of the junior travel team. She wanted this win more than anyone. Sure she wasn't the only one leaving this year, but it still meant so much to her.

Number 14 was on Lauren tight. She was a dirty player. Lauren didn't mind throwing an elbow or two to get a defender off of her. She outran her though.

Lauren saw two girls were going to be too difficult to get through, she needed to pass if they wanted to ball to go in. Lauren looked to her left and saw Camila open on the other side of her. She made a perfect pass to the Latina.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion. She kept up with Camila on the other side, her eyes never left the younger brunette. Camila got closer and closer to the goal, the ball being kicked in the air going closer and closer to the net. Lauren put her hands on top of her head, trying to catch her breath, which didn't help because her lungs felt like they were going to collapse with this type of anticipation. The goalie dove to the right side, where the ball was going in. Her hands just missed, the ball hitting the back of the net perfectly. Oh my god. Oh my god! They did it!

Lauren ran over to Camila and pulled her into a hug. She lifted her off the field and spun her around. She could seriously kiss the younger girl right now. To be honest, she would love to, but it's not the right time to be thinking of that.

They won!

There wasn't enough time for the other team to score, thank god. The team gathered around Camila and Lauren pulling them into a team group hug. They all cheered together, they never thought their excitement would die down after this moment.

The girls eventually walked over to the bench, except Camila and Lauren. They stood there for a moment smiling like idiots at each other. Camila wrapped her petite arms around Lauren, resting her sweaty head against Lauren's chest.

"I can't believe we did it." Camila pulled back, smiling so brightly showing her perfect white teeth.

"I never doubt that you would miss a goal." Lauren pulled her back into a tight hug. Leaving a friendly kiss on the top of her head. "We just won... I don't think that's gonna sink in till next week." She joked.

"Alright, that's enough, Lauser." The Defensive midfielder, Dinah Jane, pushing Lauren out of the way as she picked up Camila and squeezed the living life out of her. "There's my favorite soccer player. Remember me when you go to the national woman's soccer team."

"As if I'd ever get there." Camila sighed as she was placed back onto the grass.

"They'd be dumb not to have you on their team," Lauren whispered more to herself than anything, but it wasn't quite enough for the younger soccer player to hear it.

"Thanks, Lo, but only if you get on the team with me."

"We still have all of high school, let's get through that together first."

"I see it right now, Camz and Lo, started from the beginning, ending on the USWNT. It's going to happen, trust me." Camila linked her arms with arms as they continued walking to the benches with the rest of the team together.

Ally, the assistant coach, looked over at the three girls as they approached the bench. Normani, the goalie, joined her in going over to the girls. Ally was part of their so-called "squad" as you will. She could be a strict coach when she needed to be, she was part of the reason they won this game today, but she could also be as chill as one of their friends.

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