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The hoodie up top

I wake up early that morning and see Cynthia and Zarahi still asleep. I look down and see that Zarahi grabbed Cynthia's hand again. I chuckle when I feel Zarahi shift and see that she moved closer to me. Well this is going to be a pain. I don't want to wake them up but I want to go downstairs to make breakfast. I gently lift Cynthia off me and slowly move my shoulder out from under Zarahi's head. Zarahi's head goes down with a thump and I lay Cynthia by her who curls up into a tiny ball and yet still holding Zarahi's hand.

Okay time to go down and make everyo-, "Macona?" My thoughts come to a halt when I hear my name. Shit did I wake her up? I turn and put a finger to my lips, "Shh I'll be back Zarahi. Go back to sleep." Zarahi let's go of Cynthia's hand and stands up only to wince and stumble. I run over to her, "Hey hey easy their." I look over her leg in concern, "Hey let's get you into different cloths. Do you have a personal preference of clothing or do you not care?" Zarahi looks up and me and chuckles quietly, "I don't really care. Do you think I could take a shower too?"

I smile at her, "Yeah you can do that. But do you think you'll be able to stand up by yourself in the shower?" Zarahi looks down a blush covering her face, "I-I don't think so. Would you help me?" I cough. I hope she doesn't make me help her wash. She clears her throat, "Do you have a blindfold? To make us both more comfortable. You can wear the blindfold but you could just let me lean on you or something so I don't put much weight on my leg." I nod and move her back to the bed before going to my closet, "Hey do you have a favorite color?"

She snickers, "Green of course." I hum and look through my closet to see in I have a green hoodie. After a few minutes I see a green sleeve in the back and tug on it. I pull it out and look at it. It is indeed a green hoodie and it says 'loser' but the 's' is sorta covered by a red 'v' so it also reads 'lover'. Eh, okay that'll work. I grab a pair of black shorts so theirs not much pressure again the stitches. And finally I reach up and grab a black bandana. I walk out and hold the stuff out to Zarahi, "Here take these." She does and I slowly reach out to her slowly, so she doesn't yelp and wakes up Cynthia, and pick her up.

I carry her to the bathroom and set her on the toilet, "I think you can get undressed by yourself so I'm going to go get some cloths for me real quick. I go out and get a black muscle T and blue jeans, along with boxers and sports bra of course, and walk into the bathroom, "I'ma take my shirt and pants off like last time okay?" She nods and I get undressed and tie the bandana around my eyes. I stick out my hands and wait for Zarahi to take them when she's finished. I hear cloths rustling and feel a hand grasp mine, "Put your arm around my shoulders but I don't want to move my arms so I don't make contact with anything, if you know what I mean. So could you guide me arm to you waist and I'll keep hold of you while you put your arm around my shoulders. I'm going to trust you to guide me to the shower, okay?"

"Okay." I feel a hand grasp mine and pull. I let it pull me and I feel skin and she pushes my hand down so I believe that's her waist. I open my hand more and tighten my hand and realize it is indeed her waist. I feel her try to put her arm on my shoulders and crouch down a little for her, "Thanks." I chuckle at her flustered tone and stand back up lifting her by her waist slightly, "Okay I just walk straight right?" She squeezes my shoulder which I would take as a yes. I take one step forward, "How many steps?"

"O-Oh yeah. Umm t-three and you'll have to step up a but so you don't trip getting in the shower." She stutters a bit but I ignore it and continue. And it is as she says three steps forward and I step over into the shower and feel the smoothness other the tiles. I set her down and step away slightly letting her lean onto my arm while she showers.

Skip the shower time (mostly because nothing interesting happens and I don't want to type the whole thing)

I set her on the toilet. I'm sure she can get dressed without my help, "Tell me when you're done and I'll take the blindfold off." She doesn't reply but I'm sure she understands. In all honesty it wasn't really awkward. I think me being unable to see helped her feel comfortable so that's probably why. Because I could honestly care less.

"You can take your blindfold off now."  I nod and pull the blindfold down around my neck, "After I bring you out I'ma get dressed and then I'll head and make breakfast." Zarahi nods and I pick her back up and carry her back out and lay her down on the bed. I turn and go back to the bathroom and look in the mirror to see the gashes on my back are still healing. Hopefully he can remove those stitches before they heal into my skin. I get dressed and head out the bathroom but before I can get to the door Zarahi speaks, "I'm coming to. I'm not gonna be able to go back to sleep so I might as well go with you."

I sigh, "Why are you so insistent?" Zarahi snickers, "Because it's the morning and you said you were going to help me. But also I didn't lie, I won't be able to go back to sleep." With a huff I go over to Zarahi but before I grab her I get some paper and a pen. I write a note for when Cynthia wakes up:

Hey my little monster, I'm downstairs making breakfast with Zarahi. So when you wake up come on down and say hi to us. We'd love to have some company but I wanted you to get some extra sleep.

I set the note by Cynthias head and pick Zarahi up and carry her put my room and down the stairs. I set her gently in one of the seats and get the food and everything out. I start cooking the sausage and freeze when Zarahi speaks, "Gray and Ellie had similar marks to that. They talked about you...."

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