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"Bacon! Oh great and powerful Colleen, the heavens have shined on me tonight" I say throwing my hands in the air

"Lance it's the morning" Hunk corrects me

"Eh" I shrug

"What's bacon?" Keith says standing beside me

I drop my hands and look at him with a blank face "Excuse me?"

"I said, what's bacon?"

"I heard what you said I just can't believe it. What kind of food did you eat in the Fire Nation?" I ask incredulously

"I don't know, normal food?" He says shrugging


"He can elaborate once you guys get the food you want and start eating, we have a big day ahead of us so hurry up" Colleen says handing everyone a plate

"Katie, where is your brother and Micah?" Her mom says looking towards her

"I let them sleep longer because of yesterday" She says walking to the big bowl of scrambled eggs

"I see, well once you guys finish your food I want you to go get him" Pidge nods "And actually wake them up this time"

"Yes ma'am" Pidge says giving Colleen a salute

Once we all grab our food and sit down, Colleen starts to break down our plan for today.

"Alright first things first, Lance, Hunk?" Colleen says turning to me and Hunk "We'll go and check on your flying lions to make sure they're okay" Hunk and I both nod

"Then we'll go back to the training room so Keith can continue working on his earth bending skills" Keith nods

"And finally I'll take you all to the Rocky Mountains"

"Rocky Mountains?" Hunk asks

"You'll see" Pidge says smiling

"Alright kiddies, finish up quick so we can start going. And Katie, do not forget to wake up your brother and Micah"

"Yes mom" Pidge says rolling her eyes

~Pidge's POV~

Once we all finish breakfast the boys go back to their rooms to get dressed, while I have to go and wake my brother up. Again.

"Matt" I call knocking on his door

I hear a bit of mumbling from the other side so I open the door assuming they're both up by now.

"Hey, mom made breakfast which you need to eat fast cause we got things to do today" I say looking towards Matt who is in the middle of getting off the bed

"Yeah, yeah okay. I'm getting up. I'll be down in like 5 minutes" He says standing up

"Where's Micah?" I ask, not seeing him in the room

"I'm here" I hear his voice say from behind an open door "Just trying to see what would fit me in your brothers closet"

"You can try my dads closet, your closer to his size" I say beginning to leave the doorway and go towards my own room to get ready

"Oh yeah. Katie you're so smart" Micah says closing the closet door

"Oh I know" I say walking into my room to get ready

~Lance's POV~

"BLUE!!" I scream seeing my lion in the distance

Her head pops up from the field of grass she stuck her head in and starts barreling straight for me.

"Oh how I missed you so" I say crashing into her with the biggest hug I can give

"You literally saw her yesterday" Keith says

"Yeah but we've never been apart that long. Ever." I say to emphasize my point

"Yellow, have they been feeding you right?" I hear Hunk say to my left

"Here in the Earth Kingdom we treat every and all animals with respect" Colleen says coming up behind me

"You guys are so dramatic, imagine you where apart for longer than a day. I don't know how you guys would manage!" Pidge says sarcastically

"Easy for you to say Pidge. You don't have a pet" I say sticking out my tongue

"Ah yeah we do, our dog Baebae?" Matt interjects

"Oh right, yeah" I say laughing nervously

Pidge just rolls her eyes at me. "Did you have any pets Keith?"

"I have a red lion. She's back at the water tribe though. Didn't want to risk her getting caught up in all this Avatar drama again" Keith says shrugging

"Awe you must miss her a lot. What, it's been like a month and a half now?" Micah says

"Yeah" Keith replies looking down pouting

"Ow" Micah says as Matt stabs him with his elbow "Sorry, didn't realize it was a touchy subject. Ow! Okay I'll shut up"

"Alright! Now that we've seen your lions are being taken care of, why don't we heard back to the castle to continue Keith's training" Colleen suggests

"Great, let's get a move on" Pidge says already walking back towards the car

"Yeah sounds good" Hunk says giving Yellow a kiss on her forehead

"Bye Blue" I say blowing her a kiss as I follow the others back to the car "See you soon!"

Word Count•916

Holy I've been gone for a while. Almost a year. To be honest I really wanted to continue but I could not find a certain section of the story where it tells me what I did with the lions. So I couldn't really continue until I found where it was that I sent them off to.

Plus I'm in Uni and that is super stressful. But I'm back and hopefully during quarantine updates will be more frequent. Once again sorry for being gone for so long. I truly do love this story. And I have big plans ahead.

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