Everytime I See Your Face, It Just Makes Me Angry

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Once we all get settled into our rooms we go downstairs and wait for Pidge. A few minutes later she comes down wearing green shorts and a short sleeve t-shirt.

"Alright who's hungry?" Pidge asks

"Oh, me!" Hunk says excitedly

"But we literally just ate, not too long ago" Keith says surprised

"Yeah but I'm always up for more food" Hunk says smiling

Keith looks towards me and I just shrug.

"Ok fine, since Keith's so concerned we'll only have snacks" Pidge suggests

"Ok" Everyone agrees

Pidge walks into the kitchen to get her so called snacks for us.

"Pidge?" Keith raises his voice to make sure she can hear him


"Where's your brother?"

"Oh um" She walks back into the room with a bunch of things in her arms

For a small girl, she can really hold a lot.

"He's at a tournament right now"

"A tournament?" Hunk questions

"Yeah, he goes to an earth bending tournament every year. He can't participate, so he just goes to cheer his friend on" Pidge says sitting beside Keith and the arm rest

"Why can't be participate?" I ask

"Oh because he's the new-" She gets cut off by her mom coming down the stairs


"Oh my gosh mom! You scared me" Pidge says holding her heart

"Sorry but we have to go" She says walking towards the door to get her shoes on

"Why? What happened?" She asks concerned

"It's your brother"

That's all she says before Pidge shoots out of her seat and walks towards her mom to get her shoes on as well.

"What's going on?" Keith asks

"It's really not that big of a deal, I'll let you guys know when we come back. For now you guys can just play games or go outside" Pidge says opening the front door

"But it's like 10 at night" Hunk inquires

"I'm real sorry guys, but we have to go. If you can't find anything to do then just go to sleep for now. Besides you've all had a long journey getting her, so it only makes sense to turn in early" Colleen jumps in

"Alright. Well I hope everything is okay with your brother, we'll be going upstairs now" I say getting up and waving them goodbye

Keith and Hunk say bye as well and we all head upstairs.

"We should brush our teeth first, since we ate a lot of food" Keith says

"Look at you being all hygienic" I say nudging his shoulder

"What do you mean, I'm very hygienic" He says confused

"Not as much as Lance, he had a nightly routine he has to follow. Every. Single. Night" Hunk says rolling his eyes playfully

"Hey don't judge. This masculine beauty doesn't just come on its own" I say gesturing to my face

"Yeah, ok dude" Hunk says walking into the bathroom first

"I guess we should get our pajama's on" Keith says walking away from the bathroom doors

"Yeah" I say turning away too

~Pidge's POV~

So my brother is the most stupid person in the world. Well street stupid at least, he's pretty smart when it comes to math and engineering and things like that.

He always manages to piss someone off and get into fights and always get hurt. He's not weak, if that's what you're thinking, it's just that he's not allowed to fight back.

Since he's going to be the future King of The Earth Kingdom, getting into a fight and hurting someone would look bad for him.

He can't enter into the tournaments because he's too strong when it comes to his earth bending, so he goes to watch one of his best friends. His names Micah and he's really good. So far he's lost 50 and won 120. Which is pretty good considering he's at the age where he has to battle against adults.

"Alright you go find your brother and I'll go get Micah" My mother tells me once she parks the car

"Yeah, okay" I say getting out of the car

Micah's really good at calming down Matt when he gets too worked up. 

I look around the arena to see if I can spit my brother anywhere when I hear a crash coming from my right. I sprint over there and see my brother on the floor with a man, maybe late 20's hovering over him with 2 rock balls in each hand.

"Every time I see your face, it just makes me angry" This piece of shit says to my brother

No one is supposed to know that he is the heir to the thrown. If they did someone might try to kill him to take the thrown or try to become his friend just to get higher up in the chain.

"I didn't even do anything this time!" My brother yells annoyed

"Yeah, but like I said. Seeing your face makes me angry" The man pulls his arms back ready to launch the rocks

I run as fast as I can towards the guy and knock him forward with all my strength. He starts tumbling forwards and Matt jumps out of the way as to not get hit. The guy falls into the wall with a smack, and is knocked out.

"Matt! Are you okay?" I ask now turning towards my brother

"Yeah, yeah. I'm good" He says looking at me with wide eyes "When did you get here?"

"Not too long ago. But you need to stop getting into these fights all the time" I say meaning it

"I know and I'm really sorry, but thanks for helping me"

"Yeah no problem. Let's go find mom and get out of here"

As we start walking towards where mom parked i see Matt out of the corner of my eye start to get jittery. This happens a lot after someone fights with him. He has all this lent up anger and adrenaline that he's not aloud to release on anybody.

"Matt. Calm down" I say stopping and putting my arms on his shoulders

"I'm fine" He spits out not looking at me

Oh no.

Bet you didn't see that coming. Matt's going to be the new King of The Earth Kingdom. I really like Matt's character and I feel like he didn't get enough in the show. My precious boy deserves more.

Word Count•1065

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