Trial 4

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Bonus Chapter

Trial 4

"Congratulations. Trial 3:Flooded. Complete" We hear the voice say

"I feel like I'm gonna pass out" Hunk says bunches over breathing heavily

"Come dude. We can do this" I say slapping him on the back

"The next trail is more calm. Walk through the door and begin" The voice says as a door to our left swings open

"I hear water and birds" Hunk says smiling

"Finally. I'm thirsty" I say walking towards the door

As we walk through the door with our lions we see the sky. All around us is grass and flowers, trees and water. It's really pretty and pleasing to look at.

"What do you think we have to do here?" I ask Hunk

"I don't know but I'm getting a drink" Hunk says following the lions that have already made their way towards the little river in this place.

I hear a bang and turn around. A book appears in a pedestal. I walk over to the pedestal and open up the book. Inside is a page with a flower imprint on it.

"Hunk!" I say yelling over my shoulder "I think I found out what we have to do here" I say walking over towards him

"Alright shoot" He says standing up from the river

"I think we have to fill this book with all the flowers around us. Right now we need to find a flower that looks like this, after we place it in here I think the next flower page will reveal itself" I say to him

"Wow. Yay! Picking flowers sounds fun" Hunk says "So what does the flower look like?"

"It has 3 petals from what I can see and it looks fairly small"

"Alright sweet. Blue, Yellow? Can you guys help us?" Hunk says turning to the lions

They roar in response.

"Let's get to it then" I say smiling

After about 5 minutes we still haven't found the flower.

"Ugh. This is taking forever" I say sighing

"At least we don't have a time limit like the last few" Hunk says trying to cheer me up

"Yeah I guess" I look over to my lion "Blue! Why is your ear turning purple!" I scream and run over to my lion

The tip of her ear is starting to turn purple and there's also something in her mouth.

"Blue? What are you eating" I say walking up to her

She starts to chew faster as I get closer.

"Hey, stop! I think the thing you're eating is turning your ear purple. Spit it out!" I say trying to pry her mouth open "Blue I mean it! Spit. It. Out!" I scream

She finally swallows what was in her mouth.

"You have got to be kidding me" I say sighing in defeat

I look down out of disappointment and see purple flowers with 3 petals. I open the book and the flower in the page looks exactly like the one around my feet.

"Aw sweet. I found the flower" I say smiling

Blue nudges me.

"Alright fine. You found it. But I'm still mad at you for eating it. What wrong with you" I say picking up one of the flowers and placing it into the book

Th book closes and flows purple. I open the book back up and now there's a second flower. It's got 11 petals and it's 2 flowers bunched together.

"Alright Hunk here's the next flower" I say walking over to him

So far we have found 19 flowers. It took us a really long time. Some of the flowers were so small, others were clear so it was hard to see. Some blended in really well with its surroundings. But I think we're getting closer to the final flower. I open up the book as the yellow light emitted from it dies down.

"Ok Hunk, the last flower looks like it has about 30 petals all overlapping each other. All in all I would say it looks like a daisy" I say showing Hunk the book

"Ok sweet, but we've walked across this whole terrain from corner to corner and I never saw a flower that looked like that" Hunk says back

"Yeah, you're right. Me either. We just have to think. Maybe it's an aquatic flower?" I shrug looking towards Hunk

"I don't think so. Blue looked through the hole river she's never seen anything like that either" Hunk replies

"Ugh. What are we gonna do?" I say flopping down on the ground in defeat

"I don't know" Hunk says sitting down next to me

He looks up at the sky and his eyes go wide.

"Hunk? What's wrong?" I say poking his cheek

"Um, how big do you think flowers can get?" Hunk asks eyes still wide

"Uh, I don't know. About 6 feet maybe" I say

"Well you might want to change that theory"


"Look" Hunk says pointing to where his eyes are looking

I look up and low and behold. The flower we're looking for is about 100 feet tall. The same size as a tree from the jungle.

"How are we supposed to pick that!" I scream

"I have no idea" Hunk says still amazed by the size

"Maybe Blue ca fly me up there and I can just try and close the book onto the flower?"

"I mean, it's worth a shot" Hunk says shrugging

"Alright. Blue come on, we gotta get all the way up there" I say pointing towards the top of the flower

Blue roars and I get into her back. We fly all the way up to the top of the flower. I try to close the book on one of the petals. It works. The book shines a blinding goldish colour like the flower and everything around us disappears.

Blue flys us back down and Hunk is now standing confused as to where everything had gone.

"Thank god that's over. Even though it was more chill, it still took forever" I say sighing out of relief

Word Count•1013

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