You Should Leave.

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When we finally reach the bottom we freeze.

What the hell.

We see Keith sitting in a chair with a blindfold on and his hands tied behind him.

"Keith?!" I scream running to him

"Lance?" He asks looking scared

His voice is very rough sounding.

"Don't worry we'll get you out of these" Hunk says walking behind Keith to untie his hands while I take the blind fold off

He looks up at me. His eyes are really red and puffy.

"Have you been crying?" I ask brushing his hair from his face

"You should leave" Keith says looking down

"What, no Keith we gotta get you out of here" I say helping him stand up

"No. You really need to leave" Keith says resisting me "They're gonna come back" He says in a quieter voice

"Who Keith? What are you talking about?" I ask once again trying pick him up

"Stop Lance. Just go!" He screams yanking his wrist from my grasp

"Hey, Hey. Keith what's the matter" Hunk says coming around and looking at him

"Please. You need to leave" Keith says quietly

"Yeah we will. Once you stop being so weird. We need to leave together" I say trying to grab his hand again

"Just go!" Keith screams

Kieth pushes me hard enough to know me to the ground.

"Oh my gosh. Lance I'm so sorry" Keith says almost in tears now

"Shit. Keith please we gotta go now" I say wincing

"I-I can't" Keith whispers

"Why not!" Hunk yells

"Because if they see you down here" Keith gets cut off by someone in all white

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Look what we have here. You trying to escape Red" the figure says walking towards Keith

"Who are you" I say standing in front of Keith protectively

"Someone you'll soon get to see everyday" they say smirking

Their whole face apart from the eyes, nose and mouth was covered with a mask. I couldn't tell who it was, but I'm pretty sure it was a girl.

"Back off. I don't know who you are and I don't care, but you can't just kidnap my friend and expect me to listen to you" I say getting irritated

"Mmm. Well we'll see about that"

They whole room went dark. I turned around and tried to wrap my arms around Keith to protect him. But when I did he wasn't there anymore.

What the hell? Where did he go? Did she take him? Did he get up and try to fight here or escape? I'm so confused?

Then the lights turned back on. Keith was no where to be found but the white figure was still there.

"Where is Keith" Hunk says frantically

"Oh he's here" They said smirking

"Clearly not. Give him back!" I scream ready to fight

"Wolf!" The figure shouts

"What?" I say confused

Another figure comes down the stairs except this ones in all black. I think this ones a guy.

"We done yet" He says firmly

"Yes if course. Could you get rid of these two for me" The white one says

"What a bother" The black one starts walking over to Hunk and I

"Wait. Stop. Don't come any closer" Hunk says starting to freak out

"Don't worry. I'll make this quick" The figure said before everything went dark

I'm so sorry. I had this part pre-written but forgot to post it when it was time.

Word Count•583

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