Call Me Pidge

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Once we walked into the training room we see a lot of people in green armour throwing rocks around, big and small. To the right up top where the stands are is a booth. In it, is an old lady wearing a green dress.

"Mother, I have the Avatar!" Colleen yells to the old lady

"That's Julia?" I ask

"Yup. The best earth bender in all the earth kingdom. Well aside from the actual King but-" She gets cut off by the old lady jumping down from the booth to right in front of us

"Hello there" She says smiling widely "You must be Keith, Lance and Hunk"

"How do you know our names?" Hunk says confused

"Patty told me all about you"

"My grandmother?" I say now confused

"Yes. We talk to each other all the time through this lacrima" She says holding out her hand

"There's nothing ther-" All o a sudden a rock ball appears in her hand and I can see my grandmother doing dishes


"Oh Lance! You made it, that's wonderful. How are you all doing?" She says turning around from doing the dishes and walked closer to the ball

"We're fine but how is this even possible?" I ask

"It's a secret" My grandma says smiling wickedly

"Grandma what are you talking about? Just tell me"

"I'll tell you some other time. Hi Hunk!" Grandma says getting distracted by my best friend

"Hi Patty!" Hunk says smiling and waving
(Think of the part in Deadpool when Wade says hi Kyoko and Kyoko says hi Wade😂)

"Are you eating well?" She asks him

"Of course" He says laughing

"That's good. Where's my Keith?"

At that Keith comes into view of the ball and waves

"Hi Patty" He says shyly

"Hello dear. Don't worry you may seem scared to learn now, but I believe that you can do this ok?" She says smiling at him

"Yeah, ok" He says smiling back

"Aright guys, bye I love you all" Grandma says waving at all of us

"Bye, love you too" I say waving back

"Bye Patty" Hunk smiles waving rapidly

"Bye and thank you" Keith says shyly and waving small

"Bye Julia" Grant says

"See you later Patty" Julia says and the lacrima gets shut off and the rock breaks apart

"Alright Keith! Let's get you comfortable with the other Earth benders that will be helping you learn in your month with us

"Oh, ok" Keith walks over to Julia who puts her hand in his waist and they walk towards some big looking guys

"So. You guys can Water bend?"

"Ah!" I scream and turn to the left

"Katie! Don't do that" I say holding my hand to my heart

"Sorry" She says laughing, Hunk joins in too

"To answer your question. Yes we can both water bend. And don't worry about Lance, he's a scarify cat" Hunk says waving it off

"Hey! You're no better. In fact, you're worse than me" I say looking over at my friend

"Yeah that's true, I get really paranoid" Hunk says nervously running the back of his neck

"You guys are funny. I like you"

"Oh wow, thanks" Hunk and I say

"You're not too bad yourself" I say smiling at her

"Well since we're already such good friends I think I should let you call me Pidge" She says smiling widely

"Pidge?" Hunk asks the question we're both thinking "Why Pidge?"

"My middle name is Paige but when I was younger I couldn't pronounce it right and ended up saying Pidge. My brother laughed at me and dubbed it my nickname" She says laughing slightly

"Oh that's kind of adorable" Hunk says laughing as well

"Well then it's settled, we'll call you Pidge" I say smiling

"And you can call if Hunk, which is me. And Lance, which is him" Hunk says pointing at himself than to me

"Oh cool we all have nicknames" Pidge says excitedly

"No, no. Those are our real names" I say

"Really?!" She says in shock

"Yeah" I say laughing nervously

"Oh. Wow, ok. That's pretty cool" She says trying to make us feel better "Anyway you guys want to help me practice some earth bending"

"How would we do that?" Hunk asks

"You would be my targets and I'd try to hit you with my rocks"

"No way! Not with you almost killing your mother with that giant bolder earlier" I shout

"Don't worry you'll be wearing armour, plus it's target practice. I won't use suck big boulders because I wan't to work on my aim" Pidge says shrugging

"I mean I would love too but we kind of told Keith we'd watch him" I say smiling sadly

"No that's fine you guys can go. I feel like if you're here it would make me more nervous now that I think about it"

"Jesus! Keith! You can't do that" I say turning around facing him


"Alright than I guess that Lance and I can go with Pidge" Hunk says

"Yeah. Let's go" Pidge says leading us out of the training room "There's another small training room to the left of this one"

"Ok bye Keith" Hunk says waving "Good luck"

"Bye and thanks Hunk" Keith says waving back

"You're sure you don't want us hear?" I asks him

"Yeah it's fine. I'll be fine" Keith says putting his hand on my arm

I look at it than look at him, he looks at me too. We stare at each other for I don't know how long.

"Ok great!" I say awkwardly

"Yeah ok see ya!" Keith says ripping his hand away from my arm and walking away

What just happened?

Word Count•953

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