❇️The Green Trial❇️

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Bonus Chapter

Trial 3

As Hunk and I are sitting on the ground the robotic women's voice comes back.

"Trial 2; The Key complete. Now it's time for trial 3. The room will fill up with water. You have to solve the puzzle in order to stop the pipes from flowing. Good luck"

"Water is Blues strong suit" I say looking over at Hunk and standing up "We got this"

"Ugh" he grunts as he stands up as well

"The water will begin. Now"

Water from 4 different pipes of the room start pouring out rapid amounts of water.

"Ok what do you think the puzzle is?" I ask my yellow loving friend

"I'm not too sure" he says looking around "Wait up there"

I look up to where Hunk is pointing, there's some colours in disarray along with names of animals I think.

"What's up with their fascination with colours?" I ask no in particular

Hunk shrugs "Well we have to figure out what all of this means before we drown"

The floor beneath us turns to class again and underneath that are square slots.

"I think we have to put the colours and names in some type of order on the floor" Hunk says looking from the floor to the ceiling

"Ok so Yellow will fly up and grab them and Blue will swim down to put them in their spot" I say determined

"We better hurry" The water was up to our ankles now

"Ew. Wet socks" Hunk says shaking his feet

"Suck it up, we gotta get going" I say

"Ok how will we know he pattern?" Hunk wonders

"Trial and error I guess" I say shrugging

The slabs on the ceiling look like this;
Purple with a Passenger Pigeon
Blue with a Dodo
Pink with a Western black rhinoceros
Yellow with a Pyrenean ibex
Green with an Quagga
Red with a Tasmanian tiger
Orange with a Steller's sea cow
Gold with a Wooly Mammoth
Black with a Great auk
White with a Pinta Island tortoise
Silver with a Hunter Island penguin
Gray with a Caribbean Monk seal

"Ok I've never heard of any of these animals except for the Wooly Mammoth" I say looking at Hunk

"That's the point. Mom of these animals are alive anymore" Hunk says happily

"Hunk. I don't think that's a good thing"

"No, no. What I'm trying to say is that the order is probably when they went extinct" I look at him confused "Lucky for you I got a pretty good mark in animal history" (Not actually a subject in school)

"I know what to do, just watch" I step back and let Hunk do what he wants

"Yellow grab the purple slab and give it to blue" Yellow roars and flys up to get the slab

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