Oh My God.

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~Keith's POV~

I'm running. It's gaining on me. I can't get away. I jolt up.

Where am I? I look around and see Lance on my right and Hunk on my left. Thank god. It was just a dream.

I'm breathing heavy now. I think I woke up Lance.

"Keith? Is everything okay?" he says rubbing his eyes

"Yeah, I'm fine" I say smiling at him slightly "I'm just gonna go get some air"

"Do you want me to come with you" He asks

I shake my head.

"That's okay, I'll be fine and it'll only be for a few minutes" I say getting up

"Okay" Lance yawns and lies back down

I get out of the tent and stretch. I really hope these nightmares stop soon. I can't keep disturbing Lance and Hunk like this.

It's still pretty late or early. Based on the moon in the far distance, I'd say its probably about 3-4 am. I can't go back to sleep. I know what I can do. I'll go look for something to give to Hunk and Lance as a thank you for dealing with me this whole time.

I smile at my self, put on my shoes and start walking away from the tent. Out here the sky is so dark, but the stars light it up, it's so pretty. I wish I was able to see the sky back home. I can't remember what it looked like over there. Hopefully I will finish my training soon so that I can see the sky from my home soon.

I continue to walk trying to find something for Lance and Hunk as a thank you. I hear a noise. Almost like a voice. I start walking towards it then freeze.

What if this is a murderer. I turn around and start walking back to the tent. I'll bring Lance or Hunk with me so if it was a person I wouldn't be alone. I start walking towards the tent.

But wait, what if it's a group of people and I'm leading them right to where we are sleeping. Bad idea. I turn a bit and head off track again. Ugh.

I hate how paranoid I can get sometimes. 

I continue to walk in that direction not hearing the voices anymore. I find a tree, it's pretty and big. I sit underneath it and think of what could be around here to give to Lance and Hunk. It's quite hard since were in the middle of the forest.

Oh, I know. I'll get them a flower. Different ones of course but still a flower for each.  So I get up and start looking for flowers that I think will suit them. I found a yellow daisy for Hunk since that's his favourite colour, but it's kind of hard to find a blue one for Lance. I look for about 5 more minutes when I stumble across a lake, across it is a flower heaven. There are flowers of all kinds on the other side, various colours as well. I'm bound to find one for Lance there, maybe even a better one for Hunk.

I hope over stones to get to the other side. I finally find a flower for Lance and a better one for Hunk. I hop back over the stones and head to the tent. At this point the sun is starting to rise. I'm almost there, I can see the tent from where I am, then everything goes black.

~Lance's POV~

I couldn't really fall asleep after Keith left. He said he would only be out for a couple of minutes but it's been probably an hour. I turn towards Hunk debating on whether or not I should wake him up and go look for Keith together, or just leave him here and go by myself. Hunks pretty difficult to wake up. If you try to shake him he'll just pull you into him thinking that you're a human sized bear.

I look at him one more time. Alright, lets try this. I'm finally able to wake Hunk up after what felt like a good hour. We walk outside and walk towards the forest, Hunk and I pass two flowers on the floor that have been picked.

"Maybe Keith picked them" Hunk says

"Keith. I seriously doubt it" I say looking over to him

"I guess" Hunk says while we continue to walk

We see a lake in the distance. We walk up to it, there's something in the water.

"Hunk" I say elbowing my friend to look into the lake where I am looking

He looks over. Our eyes go wide.

Oh my god.

Word Count-766

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