No offence.

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"Keith?!" I say as the unknown person turns around

"Guys!!" Keith screams and runs to us

"Oh my god Keith. Are you alright? Are you hurt? Did they do anything to you?" Hunk says turning Keith in every direction trying to examine him

"Hunk, I don't know what you're trying to examine since he's wearing, a FULL BODY ROBE!" I yell

"Oh. Right" Hunk says looking down

"It's okay. And yeah I'm fine" Keith says patting Hunk on the back

"Where you here all this time?" I ask confused

"No. This women, Colleen, found me when this man was trying to take me away to sell me to someone"

"So you just decided to follow a stranger!?" I ask "No offense" I say looking towards the lady

"None taken" She says waving it off

"Well, yeah. I mean I had no other option" Keith says likes it's the most obvious thing

"What if she hurt you!?" I look to the lady "No offense"

"None taken"

"What if she locked you away!? No offense"

"None taken"

I look around at everyone.

"What if she-"

"Ok that's it" Hunk says while putting his hand over my mouth "Sorry about him, he's a little extra, if you know what I mean"

I look to my supposed best friend shocked, and rip his hand from my mouth.

"Hunk! How could you say that. I thought we were bros?" I say in fake hurt

"We still are, but at sometimes you can be a bit much?" Hunk says in question

"Dude" I say looking down and shaking my head in fake disappointment

"She didn't hurt me" Keith jumps in "Plus she knows who the lady we're looking for is"

"Really?!" Hunk asks

"Yeah. She's my mother" Colleen says smiling

"Wow" Hunk says with amazement

"I was just about to take Keith to see her, I guess you guys could tag along too" She says shrugging her shoulders

"Oh sweet, that would be awesome" Hunk says clapping his hands together like a little kid

I grab his hands and look at him. I then lower his hands and shake my head at him. He looks down sadly.

"Alright let's go" Colleen says starting to walk to a pair of doors

"Finally, I cant wait to start my training" Keith says smiling widely

"Yeah!" Hunk says patting him on the back

Once we get to a pair of trouble doors with the earth symbol on it Colleen stops.

"Alright. We're here" She says turning around to face us

"Im nervous" Hunk says

"Why are you nervous. Keith's the one getting the training" I say laughing

"I don't know. I'm usually a very begins guy" Hunk says shrugging

I roll my eyes "Ok Keith, open those doors" I say smiling towards him

He takes a deep breath and walks up to the door. He stares at it for a few seconds.

"Here goes" He says as he pushes the door open

Once it's opened all the way a giant rock comes flying through the door way and knocks into Colleen sending her into the wall where the rock breaks in half. We all turn surprised.

"Oh my god!" Hunk screams running to her

"Whoops! Sorry mom!" Keith and I turn back towards the door at that

"Yes I'm fine Hunk, and Katie, I told you to not aim for the door whenever your practising!" Colleen shouts at whoever this Katie person was

"I know but I was just trying so new tricks" A small girl with short light brown hair comes through the door

"Anyway. Katie this is Hunk" He waves "Lance" I smile and wink "and Keith" He looks down shyly

"What are they doing here?" Katie asks

"Keith is the Avatar and your grandmother is going to train him" Colleen says smiling

"Woah. The Avatar!" Katie says turning to Keith with wife eyes

"Yes now go clean up in there so that they can get started"

"Can I stay and watch though?" She asks starting to walk away

"Yes but you have to stay in the stands like everyone else" Colleen says

"Wait stands?" Keith asks confused

"Yeah they're stands in the training room so people can sit and watch, it's either for them to learn and for the to help you" Katie says turning back around

"I don't know if I want people to watch me. At least not right away" Keith says quietly

"Oh I never thought of that. This would be your first time doing earth bending. Am I right?"

Keith nods.

"Alright. Then we'll close the stands for now, until you're comfortable with your earth bending" Colleen says smiling to Keith

"But mom" Katie says whining

Colleen gives her a pointed look. "I'm just gonna go clean the training room now" Katie says walking away fast

"Mmhmm" Colleen says rolling her eyes

"That's your daughter?" Hunk asks

"Yeah. She's a bit of a handful, but she's an amazing earth bender" We all smile

"And I'm not just saying that because she's my daughter" We all laugh at that

"Aright Keith, lets go inside shall we?"

"Can we watch?" I say asking Keith

He looks to me for a second then looks down thinking.

"It's fine if you don't want us there. I just really want to see earth bending up close" I say smiling at him

"Yeah dude. No pressure" Hunk says smiling as well

"Um. Yeah, no it's fine. You can watch me" Keith says looking up with a small smile

"Cool" Hunk and I high five

"Alright Keith, your one step closer to becoming the true Avatar. You ready?" Colleen asks walking towards the door

"I hope so" Keith says standing next to her

"Then let's go" I say smiling

Sorry I've been away so long. Just didn't really have the motivation to write.

Word Count•1031

Those of you that read that part at the very very end. That was a draft part of the story. I wrote that on my computer after the whole awkward scene and I thought it disappeared, but I just pressed enter a lot so I couldn't see it😂 anyway that parts gone now

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