Open Your Eyes.

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"Ugh!" Keith's screams and flops on the floor

"Come on Keith, I'm sure you'll get it soon" Hunk says sitting next to him

"Yeah it took Lance until he was 14 to learn water bending" Granny says

"Granny" I whine

"Oh sorry dear" Granny says laughing lightly along with the others

"Ok I'll try again" Keith says getting up

Right now we're all trying to teach Keith how to water bend. He's really trying though. Keith just gets mad quick. He has a short temper.

"Ok Keith, feel the water. Be the water. Control the water" Hunk says to him

"Ok" Keith says slowly while closing his eyes

Keith took a deep breath and moved his hands around slowly in the formation we taught him.

"Keith. Open your eyes" Granny tells him

Keith opened one of his eyes and smiled so wide.

"Guys I did it. Look I'm water bending" Keith says moving the water around us

"Yeah you are" Granny says smiling at him

"He's like a little kid" I tell Hunk

"Yeah. He is" Hunk says smiling

"Alright to celebrate why don't I make some apple pie" Granny says clapping her hands together

"Yes" Hunk and I high five

"I never had apple pie. Is it good" Keith asks

"It's amazing. Especially Pattys" Hunk says smiling

"It sounds yummy. I like apples" Keith says walking next to Patty

"Then you'll love apple pie" I say walking on the other side of Granny

Once we got back into my house, Keith went into the kitchen with granny to help her make the apple pie. Hunk and I went into my room to play some games.

Hunk and I played a lot of card games, since we're in the middle of the arctic we have no electricity.

Once the pie was done Kieth came in my room to tell us.

"Wow. Your room is huge" Keith says looking around in awe

"It's not really" I say looking at him

My room wasn't big at all. All I had in it was a bed a desk and a bookshelf.

"My room back home was really small. Probably the size of your bathroom. I only had a bed in it" Keith says still looking around

"Kathy's room was your size though. She got it all to herself" Keith says looking down

Hunk and I looked at him sadly.

"We had a spare room the same size as Kathy's in the house. My mom just wouldn't let me use it. She said it was reserved for Kathy when she learned how to play instruments" Keith says sitting down on my bed

"Keith. I'm so sorry. That must of hurt a lot" I say getting off the floor and sitting beside him

"It wasn't Kathy's fault. But I always blamed her. Yet, she still treated me like her brother and took care of me because my mom wouldn't" he says leaning his head on my shoulder

"If it weren't for Kathy. I would probably be dead by now. My mother never fed me" Keith says a tear slipping down his face

"Oh Keith don't cry" I say putting my arm around his shoulder

"I'm sorry. Let's go get that apple pie now" Keith says willing his tears away and getting up

"Yay food" Hunk says running out of my room

"Ok" I say getting up as well and walking out of my room

I am determined to make Keith feel welcome here. He deserves so much more. And not just because he's the Avatar but because he's a really nice and sweet person. Keith couldn't hurt anyone. So why did his mother hurt him so much. She missed out on her only sons childhood, and for what.

To focus on her other child. Her daughter.

Kathy seems like a nice person too. So why is their mother such a cold hearted nut.

I wonder. If Keith's dad didn't die, would things be different.

Would Keith of gotten the same attention as Kathy. Would he have saved the world from the Fire nation all those years ago. Would he be 60 years old with a family of his own.

Would he be happy. I guess we'll never know.

Word Count•707
Updated Word Count•710

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