The Arch of Time.

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"I'm tired" I hear Keith yawn behind me

"Yeah, Lance we should stop for now, Blue and Yellow need to rest and eat" Hunk replies from beside me

"You mean you need to eat" I say laughing slightly

"Yeah, Yeah" Hunks says waving me off

"Alright we'll stop for a bit"

Blue and Yellow look for a good place to land. We are about 2 days into our trip.

"Alright Keith, start a fire" I smile at him

He nods. Keith has been practicing his fire bending as well as his water bending whenever we stop to rest. He's getting pretty good, almost as good as Hunk and I. But I won't tell him that.

After we finished eating we made a bed for ourselves with blankets and sleeping bags inside of our tent. Blue and Yellow sleep outside since they are used to the cold.

Keith always sleeps in the middle because we realized that he sometimes has nightmares. Whenever he has one either Hunk or I play with his hair until he calms down again.

"Goodnight guys" I say yawning and closing my eyes

"Why so soon, I don't even think it's 9:00pm yet" Hunk says frowning

"Fine I guess we can do something to waste time" I smile getting back up

"What do you want to do?" Hunk asks

"I don't know, (wrote idk at first but then I realized. Who says that when they are verbally talking. I text way too much😂) I thought you had an idea since you didn't want me to go to bed?" I say to him

"Well I didn't"

"Why would you not let me sleep then!"

"I don't know!"

"How do you not know!"

"Guys please" Keith says getting annoyed

"Sorry" Hunk and I say looking down

"Why don't we play 21 questions" Keith suggests

"Alright" I agree

Hunk nods.

(The way you play is one person asks someone a question, they answer than ask the next person a question and it keeps going on until you get to 21)

"Alright, I guess I'll start" I say to my friends

"Keith?" He looks up at me "What is your favourite book?"

"Um, maybe The Arch of Time by Kiara Manson" Keith says smiling

"Oh, that's a good one" Hunk smiles

(This isn't an actual book, so don't try looking for it)

"Is it my turn?" Keith asks

"Yup" I say nodding

"Hunk, do you have any siblings?"

"Nope, it's just me and my mom. Alright, Lance. I basically know everything about you" Hunk says laughing

I smile at him. We've been friends for a really long time.

"Oh I got one" Hunk says pointing his finger to the ceiling

"Shoot" I say

"You remember Amy?"

"Oh, yeah why?" She was a girl I had a crush on a while ago

She was best friends with Xander.

"Do you still like her?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen her for about 5 years. If she's the same as she was then, then probably yeah" I say shrugging

"I'm tired" Keith says turning so his back was facing me

"But we just started the game" Hunk whines

"Sorry" he says lying down "Goodnight"

I looked over a Hunk. He just shrugged and lied down as well. I guess we won't know what's wrong with Keith until tomorrow.

Word Count•561
Updated Word Count•563

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