First fight

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Lately Soundwave had been acting distant towards you, he still brought you what you needed but had been acting kinda......distant towards you.

You were afraid that you had done or said something to offend him, but no matter how many times you said you were sorry he would ignore you.

Right now though you had somehow gotten out of Soundwave's berthroom and you decided to go look for him.

Once you found the bridge you heard Megatron talking to Soundwave about something serious.

As you eavesdropped you heard Megatron tell Soundwave about how close they were to Cyberforming Earth.

You then ran back to Soundwave's berthroom since you didn't want to hear anymore of what Megatron had to say.

By night time Soundwave came back to his berthroom and he saw that you were still awake.

"I heard about Megatron's plan." You said.

Soundwave walked up to his closet and looked at you as you sat on your bed.

"Why, why must you destroy Earth?" You asked Soundwave as you looked at him.

.:Soundwave, loyal Second in Command to Lord Megatron:. Soundwave used Starscream's voice.

"Why can't you just pick on some other planet?" You yelled at Soundwave.

Soundwave showed you some information on his visor which made your eyes widen.

"Well why can't Buckethead just leave humans alone?" You then yelled at Soundwave.

Soundwave then grabbed you, opened his berthroom door, put you down and closed and locked his door, leaving you in the hallway.

You then began to cry as you ran to Breakdown's berthroom, thankfully he let you stay with him for the night.

As for Soundwave he felt a heavy feeling in his spark after he heard you cry from the other side of his door.

Soundwave x Reader ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now