He gets turned into a sparkling

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You had been sitting in Soundwave's berthroom alone like usual until Breakdown walked in.

"Hey Breakdown, what's up?" You asked him curiously.

"Well.....Soundwave got turned into a sparkling." Breakdown said as he looked down at you.

"What's a sparkling?" You asked Breakdown.

"I believe you humans call them 'babies'." Breakdown told you.

"Woah, I didn't know that you guys could have babies." You said.

"Yeah, well anyway, Soundwave got turned into a sparkling and I thought you might like to look after him." Breakdown said.

"Sure, I don't mind." You told Breakdown.

Breakdown then handed Soundwave to you.

"Awwww, he's so cute!" You said as you looked at Soundwave, who was about the size of a human one year old.

"He probably won't cause much trouble, I'll be back with the cure soon." Breakdown said as he walked out of Soundwave's berthroom.

"Um, hey Soundwave." You said as you held Soundwave.

Soundwave gently ran his tiny digits through your hair and he hugged you around your neck.

"There there, I've got you." You said as you walked in your living room and tried put Soundwave on the floor, exept he kept hanging on to you.

"Are you okay Soundwave?" You asked him as you looked at him.

Soundwave nodded enthusiastically as he held on to you, not wanting to let go.

"Would you like me to read you a story?" You then asked Soundwave.

Soundwave nodded again so you grabbed a children's book that was in a box of stuff that he had recently brought you.

As you sat on the couch Lazerbeak decided to get off of Soundwave's chassis and sit on your shoulder as you read the book.

After you had finished the book you looked at Soundwave who was now laying down on your lap so you carefully moved him to one of the couch cushions so you could go get something to eat.

When you gently petted Lazerbeak's tiny wings he let out some happy sounding clicking and chirping noises.

As you ate though Lazerbeak enjoyed flying around your kitchen as he looked at everything.

You soon went back to your living room and you saw Soundwave withering as he held his servos to his visor and you realized that he was crying.

"Shhh, there there Soundwave, I'm here now, please stop crying." You said as you picked Soundwave up and hugged him.

It took you a few minutes but you eventually got Soundwave to stop crying.

Lazerbeak then reattached himself to Soundwave's chassis and a few minutes later Soundwave fell asleep again in your arms.

Just then Breakdown walked back into Soundwave's berthroom.

"Hey Breakdown, did you get the cure?" You quietly asked Breakdown.

"Yeah, but I'm going to need Soundwave." Breakdown whispered as he lowered his servo to your level.

"O-okay." You said as you hesitantly put Soundwave in Breakdown's servo, not wanting him to return back to normal.

"Are you okay Y/n?" Breakdown quietly asked you.

"Yeah, I'm just really going to miss Soundwave being a sparkling." You said sadly.

"Yeah, I suppose he is kinda cute as a sparkling, but thanks for watching him." Breakdown said as he left Soundwave's berthroom.

Later that night Soundwave returned to his berthroom and acted as though nothing had happened, but secretly Soundwave had remembered everything that happened when he was a sparkling.

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