Who could it be this late at night?

I padded towards the door, rubbing a tired hand over my face. My stomach beginning to grumble with hunger as I threw open the door. Thoroughly ready to run off whoever was attempting to ruin my day of self-pity.


"P' how come you didn't come to my party? I was waiting for you."

"What...what are you doing here?"

"I brought you dinner."

He flashed me a tormenting, broad smile as he pushed passed me and stepped deeper into the room. I was still rooted to my spot, my mouth hanging open with utter shock while he puttered around my kitchen, grabbing utensils and silverware with complete familiarity. As if this was something he did on a regular basis.

Newsflash! He didn't. How I wish though.

"I...I am not hungry. I ate already. Kong, listen, I think it's best that you lea..."

The loud thundering sound from my stomach only making him smirk that much harder as he completely ignored me and placed the dishes on my small dining table. Settling down rather comfortably before finally deigning to return his attention towards me.

"It's ok if you don't want to eat. You can just give me company while I do. I didn't even get to have dinner cause I was too busy waiting for you. Why didn't you come by the way?"

"I...lost track of time."

I took the chair across from him. My mood reaching peak levels of grumpiness as I stared at Kong's annoyingly cheerful face while he kept shoving food in his mouth. After having stressed and obsessed all day long about avoiding Kong at all costs, here he was. Sitting right across from me, narrating with complete detail the events of the damn party. Why oh, why does the boy like to torture me?

He was almost done demolishing his plate while I was still pushing around the food on mine. Suddenly my hunger having been long forgotten.

"You really should have come P'. There was something I wanted to tell you."

No, no. no. no. I don't want to hear it. Just please don't say it.


"Aren't you going to ask me what is it?"


"You really aren't going to ask?"


"Fine, then. I will tell you anyway. I'm leaving P'. I am switching my major. Today was my last day. I am going to begin studying Economics from now."

I felt my heart sinking while I stared at his face shining with enthusiasm. Our eyes locked briefly while he looked back at me with unconcealed expectations. What exactly did he want from me? He did actually expect me to be happy he was leaving?

I know I was supposed to feign some sort of surprise. The least of all some reaction that looked like I was hearing his announcement for the first time instead of dreading this moment for months. But in that instant I was completely incapable of any sort of pretense. My emotions so raw that I all I wanted was to be left alone to wallow in my own grief.

So instead of saying anything I simply looked down and pushed a spoonful of food in my mouth. Anything to not have to respond in that moment. The morsel feeling like a lump of coal as I tried hard to focus on swallowing.

"Seriously? Nothing?"

I kept my eyes deliberately diverted, unable to meet his. Unable to come up with any sort of a response. This was exactly why I had avoided him all day.

"You are that excited with the thought of me leaving that you are speechless huh?"

Now he was just being plain old cruel. What would I not give to get rid of that frustrating smirk off his face. I had yet to even raise my head when I heard him rustle around in his bag pack and place a gift wrapped box between us. Finally forcing me snap out of my cloud of gloom and break my silence.

"What is this?"

"Ummm...a farewell gift of sorts."

"Gift? What are you gifting me for? Should I be getting you something?"

"Good point. Make sure it's a nice expensive one. It's the least you can do after you tortured me all year. In the mean-time, here. Open this."

He pushed the box further towards me, his smile going only broader and I automatically frowned. The kid was behaving weirder than usual. Wasn't the whole reason he was changing schools was because of me? What was he doing buying me farewell gifts?

I picked up the box and ripped the wrapping quickly, briefly looking up to watching Kong staring at me with wide eyes, looking eerily similar to an excited puppy.

I am not entirely sure why but I found my fingers shivering slightly as I pried open the lid to the slim box and I swear I am not exaggerating when I say my jaw literally dropped to the floor.

Cause staring back at me was the all too familiar leather bound journal.

Letters to my beloved [Complete]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora