Chapter 9

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"I know exactly what you mean.

Super weirdly I had a very similar day myself.

I felt I was just being steamrolled by everyone from every direction.

But perhaps it was my fault all along. I am not even sure anymore.

What made your day so weird? I think the MosquitoMan would make a great listener if you want to talk about it. Wait, do mosquitoes even have ears?

And yeah I am a student. First year actually.

What about you?"

"I don't know where to begin. Mostly it was my friends being so out of character that it threw me out of the loop.

But more than them there is this one particular guy who kind of confuses me. He is...I actually don't really know how to describe him. He just really annoys me. I wish I knew why.

What went so wrong with your day? You are more than welcome to buzz me your weird life too.

First year huh? That's nice. Enjoy life before college becomes a nightmare soon and all you end up doing are projects and homework all the time.

I am a student too. Third year."

"Ah! Third year huh? You might be the only third year that I might actually like.

Most of my seniors are nothing but bullies.

Infact the bane of my existence happens to be my third year senior too.

And as long as he is around me enjoying life is seriously out of question.

Why is this guy friend of yours annoying you? Did something happen?

Oh, and I have been thinking. What should I be referring to you when I think of you in my head?"

"Wait, are the third years the ones who are bullying you?

Aren't the hazing activities done already?

Why is this third year being a pain in the ass?

I hate it when the seniors flex their muscles onto their juniors just to show off their seniority.

As for my guy, he is not really my friend.

In fact we can very easily describe our relationship as enemies.

Oh, and code names huh? I like that my evil partner!

How about we come up with names for each other."

"Well, it's not that all of them are bullying me.

It's just one person.

Actually I am not even sure if it qualifies as bullying, or flexing his muscles.

As in he doesn't use his seniority or anything, he just...simply really doesn't like me.

So what about your not-friend friend. Oops sorry enemy.

I didn't even know we already have an enemy to target.

Should we start plotting against him?

And on the topic of codenames, my nephew just adopted the cutest turtle that ever existed.

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