Part 16

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"You didn't tell son you were coming to Mumbai!" anjana asked him as she sat in front of him.

"yeah, plans just happened even I didn't have an idea I was coming here." he said sipping the cold water."a few things needed a fix Ma but right now I want to sleep." he didn't want to reveal anything, this was not the time.

"i understand son, it is just if you had informed I had made your room." the heart of a mother went in guilt for no fault of her.

"Ma... I'll fix a fresh cover. No need to worry. Now go and sleep." he told her with care evident in his voice.

"Zoya, you still have not changed my towel, I needed a new one... Ma, it was good when you were in charge." a grumpy face of Yash was in front of her.

"Yeah, I am going... just take this jug of water I am keeping for you," she said caressing his arm to fade away the memory of another son.

"yeah... I'll take." and he walked back to the table his bag was lying.

"where did she go, was she not happy with this surprise visit?" he asked himself looking around in a hope to see her one glimpse.

"are you going to stay for a day or two Aditya?" anjana asked and he was startled as if he was caught doing something inappropriate.

"No Ma, I am taking the flight tomorrow evening." he didn't know how and when his plan got shifted for a few hours but now he needed to type a few emails.

"oh... it is okay, go freshen up..we'll talk in the morning." and with that anjana kept the jug on the table and retired to her room.


With casual cleaning-sessions in his nearly No-furniture room, it didn't need anything other than a bed cover change.

Though it had rained in the evening with all windows closed the room was little suffocating so after changing the sheets and pillow covers she walked to the window to open the glasses.

He found her door closed and thought she had already gone to bed but when the open doors of his room welcomed him... some positive vibes flew towards him.

And here she was struggling with the jammed window latch of his room, one arm securing the sheets and white covering of his bed and other trying so hard to push the latch which was little hard for her height.

"it is okay, I'll do it." and her stretched arm stilled hearing his voice.

Switching the fan On, he moved to the cupboard for towels.

"ohkay... ummm...Good night." and with that, she tried to leave the room.

And before he could have warned her the sheets in her hand juggled with the jug kept on the little table near the door and with a good noise all the water spluttered on the floor.

"Zoya careful... he shouted but it was too late and with the sudden events she lost her track and hurt her big toe badly with the door.

"Uffff...." a cry left her lips and she bent to massage her badly hurting toe and that's when she knew it had started bleeding. The sheets soaking the water, she hunching on her feet and a total turn of events was not something he had expected to see in his room. Taking a good moment to finally understand what was needed the most this moment, he walked to her and first sided the soaked sheets and sat beside her.

"show me..." he said politely.

"it is okay, I just need a moment for this pain to go away," she said with her eyes shut tightly.

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