Chapter 59

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Zoya was not sure what broke her sleep but as soon as her mind came into consciousness she felt cold, the sheets felt cold around herself as if the source of warmth was gone, extending her arms she felt the space and that's when it occurred to her. Aditya was not there

She waited for some time thinking he might have visited the washroom but when it felt more time than a restroom trip she pushed herself to sit and switched on the lamp.

Kavya was sleeping soundly and her lips were parted, as usual, it was a relief to see her calm and healthy, covering her properly with the quilt she walked to check upon her husband.

Zoya called him but the washroom was empty when she turned on the knob, it felt strange but he might have gone downstairs for something, with the thought she sat on the bed and checked the phone, 4:17 AM.

she was already waiting for him for some 20 or so minutes, now was the time to see what took him so long, Kavya also needed to be fed something since she had not taken something solid for so many hours.

With such thoughts, Zoya took her long sweater and tying the knots walked downstairs.

"Aditya... Aditya... are you downstairs?" in a soft voice she called him, suddenly it occurred to her that he might have been sleeping downstairs just the way Yash used to do sometimes. He would leave the room when he had some work to complete and often she found him snoring on the lounge settee uncomfortably.

But Aditya was on leave, right? or was there some emergency, what time would it be back home, she paused on the stairs and mentally calculated.

"It would be around 9 or 9:30 in India, he might have gotten some work-related call," she told it to herself and resumed walking

It was so silent downstairs, no lights other than the dim glow of the porch light, it seemed strange to her and she called him again but still no sound.

She walked faster to the kitchen, then the spare room and when she found it all empty, the terror started gripping her.

She ran upstairs to get her phone and call him, only to realize she didn't have an active SIM service and nor was the WIFI working since only his phone was active there.

With shaking hands, she searched for his phone and realized it was not there and so were the clothes he was wearing last night. She ran downstairs again and found the doors locked, He had gone somewhere and perhaps thought not to disturb her.

"but didn't they say it was risky to go out in the weather, there was a storm last night, right?" she asked herself and walked to the window facing Noah's house.

"it won't be nice to knock on their doors at this hour of time... but where was her husband?" she felt a pain shooting her lower abdomen.

"please Not at this moment." she prayed, clutching her belly but it was the time of the month and she needed to take care of it.


The night was not eventful compared to others if she ignored the minor incident, with the thought she yawned and cracked her bones.

After so long she had had such a sound sleep but she didn't mind the interrupted sleep in the last couple of months besides she felt good seeing the improvements in her husband.

"it looks like we won't get Sun today, what do you say Dhruv" Neha said removing the drapes from the windows. The hot tea was tempting but she loved having their morning tea with sunlight in the room.

No reply came and it seemed odd, it was already 7 AM, Dhruv didn't call her all night and he was still sleeping. Collecting her hairs in a bun she touched Dhruv and he didn't move at all.

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