Chapter 53

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"I think I ate a lot last night, or perhaps that cheese dish was it..." Zoya rubbed her throat and chest area to subside the burning sensation.

"have the antacid and try not to take anything for a few hours..." Anjana suggested opening the cabinets for the said medicines.

"Okay, Ma..." Zoya sipped the lukewarm water.

She didn't eat a lot after a few mishaps in her childhood so she knew it was not due to overeating but she could not pinpoint what was it that caused the acidity.

It was all good in the gathering last night where one of Aditya's friends was throwing his anniversary party, they had a great time and it was not that awkward at least not that much she had been dreading and then they came back home then what went wrong.

And suddenly it clicked her,

She had slept all night on her side facing him... they had started talking about this very friend of him and then about his family and one thing connected another and he happened to tell her about a lot of guys from his childhood and life so far.

Due to the exhaustion, she had fallen asleep some time and in the darkroom, he too had slept sometime later.

"Zoya, it seems the last time we used antacids was when Shail came to visit us ... Call Adi, and tell him to bring some." Anjana flipped down the contents of the small rectangular container of such medicines.

"oh, okay Ma," Zoya replied and walked to her room to call him.


"I saw you sleeping on your side but thought you took the posture sometime in your sleep and you were so peaceful so didn't call you," he told her wiping the sweat away.

"it's okay it was not your fault." she popped the tablet down her throat with half glass of water and waited for the medicine to show its effect. " and my stomach gets upset if I don't sleep properly," she told him.

"oh okay, I'll make sure you lie perfectly from now on," he said as a matter of fact.

"by the way, you were awake by what 5 or 6 cause you are already back from your jogging," she asked him.

"Yeah, old habits... and I like the jogging part in morning..." he smiled before taking his towel and clothes from the cupboard.

"you should take rest... he stopped midway with the sharp intake of breath.

"hey, what happened?" he saw her gasping for air.

"It aches a lot, I think its the will...subside," she said with difficulty clutching her lower stomach area.

"Are you sure its something like that, it might be something else." he leaned on her and rubbed her back.

"No, I know ... it's like this," she whispered and before anything ran to the washroom.

"hey, wait... what happened." he followed her but she closed the door and came voices of vomiting and soft tired cries.

"Zoya.. you okay?" he asked from the doors outside of washroom.

"hmmm...coming," she called back in a weak voice.

"here, have a seat and don't go anywhere, do you need something ...warm water or something..." he asked as he ushered to the bed.

"tell Ma to give me a glass of that spices mix water she used to give me back then," she told lying down on the bed and clutching her stomach facing away from him.

"Okay." he helped her with the pillow and left for the said glass of spices.


Unguarded passionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora