part 6

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"But he kept it for you Zoya, he knew you were going to see the turned On lights of his room..." trying to make her understand his pure efforts Anjana took a deep breath on her stubborn daughter-in-law.

"i don't want to hurt you Ma, but I can't keep it." leaving the debit card and other documents and with the final words she picked up the baby oil kept on the bed to leave for her room.

"i don't want to lose you and my granddaughter, Zoya." the usually cheerful lady was bruised badly and her voice reflected her pain.

"i don't show but losing a son is not easy Zoya... every night it feels he will come and ask me to rub his head for he would be very tired... every night I feel like keeping something sweet in the fridge for my baby boy who had a sweet tooth...

"Ma, I didn't mean to hurt you..." she turned to the lady whose shining eyes had lost shine these past days.

"but then I want to think about that son too who never express his heart and who has bled a lot, it wasn't your fault and though he accepted the marriage with Neha, he still loves you."

"Ma...." Zoya wanted her to stop.

"he is not going to marry Neha now that I know, and I can't stop you from second chances but is it being selfish if I want you two with me forever."And with request and expectation visible in her eyes she looked up and grabbed Zoya's arm.

"you must be thinking I should not be talking these things when it is not even one month after that horrible...." and she pushed the urge to cry inside her throat, "after that night but I don't want to wait, life is just unpredictable."

"so what do you want me to do Ma, should I marry him, should I forget Yash... I can't do that Ma." and forcing her emotions she left the room swiftly crying behind the solace of her room.

she wanted to just meet him, fight with him, shout on him that why he left him in such situation where she had no ways left to walk, nothing left which needed her to say, the house which once used to feel home now looked like a cage.

She could hear the apologetic calls of her mother in law but giving in to her request was not possible, she could never think about that.


"Hey man,you took so long this time!!!" the local Irish man from the next door shouted seeing him collecting the mails from the mailbox.

"long story bro, next time." and opening the lock he waved him a bye.

"I am getting you some tea, freshen up till then." the man named Noah was not buying his excuse and putting his luggage inside the house Aditya moved towards his bedroom.

He wasn't homesick but being away from your city, your country is a feeling which overpowers as soon as you touch the foreign lands and so in such a moment, the affectionate gesture from Noah was a big help.


The orange flavoured Irish tea wasn't something he was craving but at that moment he was content with the plain vanilla cookies and tea which Noah's partner has sent for him.

After three flights and no proper sleep, he wanted to eat something and sleep without caring about the world.

"actually we lost my brother back then....and he kept the empty cup on the centre table.

"i am so sorry ADI... Noah apologized with the accent visible in his tone.

"it's alright. We can't blame destiny and things not in our hands," he muttered the last part.

"We are always here, Me and Katie; if you need anything and I shall be leaving take some rest." apologetic about the loss Noah offered him some alone time.

"its alright Man... see you later then." and both the man left the white chairs of Aditya's porch.

Locking the door he suddenly felt alone in the house and here started the negative thoughts and memories of that night but trying to shut them off he laid on the bed.


"you are needed to identify the body for next procedures." the voice of policeman left goosebumps on his white skin.

"Come this way." and following the voice, he went to the cops covered area in the side of the road.

There was nothing left to say it was not him; his phone, wallet and wreckage of his bike had already confirmed but as a rule, he had to do that because other than him no one was in a condition to do that.

The dark blood on his head had dried now and the face... he woke up with a jolt, suddenly that scene horrified him and the rather cold weather of room did no good to pacify the fire inside him.

He had thousands of memories of his younger brother but he never wanted to remember him like that...covered in blood and unrecognizable.

He didn't let his mother see his body and Zoya wasn't conscious so she never saw and he took the burden of that last memory.

"i will always love you brother and I never wanted to lose you." he wanted to cry for he couldn't be with his brother, for he missed so many moments with him.

They were never distant, even after his marriage he always asked for the opinion of the elder brother, he always insisted to spend every festival in India then why life turned this cruel and snatched him to never give back.


She opened the doors after her nerves were at ease but more than her heart she knew her daughter was waiting for her and so splashing some water on her face she walked down to her mother in law's room.

"if you have made your mind then its fine son, even I feel you should come here." it felt like Ma was talking with Aditya.

But no one knew the call was made after a sleepless night of that man who didn't shut his room's light so the darkness forced him to some memories he wanted to forget forever.


Hello everyone, the next part is updated. I hope you enjoyed this part, it was a very emotional part, I tried to go into feelings of a brother for his brother.

I see that lady every time and my heart fills with respect who lost her elder son but kept her emotions in control and without caring what others were going to say, thought about her daughter in law first and is letting her other son marry her.

People with such mentality are rare but then it fills with a hope that we are changing and our mentality is also changing.

I'll tell you all about them the day I'll finish the story and you will be amazed to know the compromises the family and the Aditya there is going through.

Stay happy and healthy till next time guys.

With love Morusya.

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