How can he be your friend ?

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  A girl and A boy !!! why can't they just be friends, why can't they be themselves to each other how a boy is with a boy and how a girl is with another girl.why we need the tag of being Sister or being Brother when its the friendship we enjoy the most together. 

why it is necessary to tag them a brother or a sister when there is no attraction at all...why it is difficult for a girl and a boy to introduce themselves as the friend sometime.
why no one understands when a girl is chatting for hours with a boy and he is just another friend of her like any of her girl-friends..

 Relations come with restrictions , boundation, the extent to which one can go and Friendship comes with eternity;you can be as wild as you want, you can talk as many things as you want and you can joke without the fear of being judged. 

I see the social sites flooding with LOVE, BREAKUP, RELATIONSHIP GOALS, and what not about the BEING IN LOVE status but friendship too is very precious, I feel it too hurts like hell when a friendship is ruined/broken because you are just opposite genders.Urban families are okay but I have sensed the male friend of the girl being Brotherzoned by talks. taunts, fun by the girl's family on certain occasions because the family wants to send the message YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GO AHEAD. 

like many things I am a rebel here too, i cannot make a boy my brother just because he is a boy and I should be thinking about my safety and blah blah.... i will rather be comfortable with him as friends because as i said with friends you don't need restrictions, limits and by the way befriending opposite genders lets you know what they feel, what they want and what they expect from this world.

 A Boy and A girl are not always romantically involved, they could be friends and best friends sometime... 

 So from next time when you are talking with an opposite gender for the first time, don't make them your bro and sis even before the talks start just because you are afraid of this society. 

Not every other person you see is going to be your crush or someone you are going to be romantically involved even if they are so goodlooking ;) 


it is disheartening to find this country with Anti romeo sqauds but like every problem this issue too has its roots here only. i will love to read your views .

with love Morusya. 7/06/2018

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