Part 15

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Winds had turned colder and so was the last slice of their pizza... she could not believe she was there with him for the last 4 hours, had ordered two medium pizzas and now was waiting for him to pick the last slice.

He had gone to the open space to attend some important call and walking back and forth he was talking with the other party.

It all felt like a dream, a beautiful dream... she captured a picture without him noticing as a memory of this beautiful day.

"I used to do this when we went to first of our dates." the lady whispered in her ear and her phone slipped from her hand and she caught it just before it fell to the floor.

"excuse me!!" she turned her attention to the lady not much older to her.

"Sorry, I think I might have scared you but I just could not hold my excitement." the lady who has stood by her table told her.

"it is nothing like how you think..." sipping the cool drink Neha tried to hide her embarrassment.

"i can understand you don't want to share but love is so obvious in your eyes... you guys look beautiful together." the lady admired and didn't seem in a mood to leave her table.

"yeah, Thank you but..." and she stopped seeing him coming to their table with puzzled eyes.

"oh, I should leave you two..." smiling the lady left their table and joined her little daughter and perhaps husband in a corner table.

"who was the lady?" he asked softly taking the seat.

"one of the neighbourhood ladies..." and Neha tried hiding her smile.

"so our little secret is no more a secret..." in a moment his voice sounded frustrated.

"yeah... and now they are going to make talks." and she played with this innocent man.

"i am so sorry Neha, I again troubled you..." he apologized and looked confused when dimples came on her cheeks.

"what happened? Why are you smiling?" he asked her.

And she burst in a burst of hearty laughter.

She kept laughing for a few seconds and he waited for her to stop when she didn't answer his questions and kept laughing hard.

His guilt was lessening with every passing moment.


"Rub the Heeng mix around her naval area Zoya," Anjana advised her from the kitchen.

"i did ma but she doesn't seem to calm down," Zoya told her rubbing the belly of the baby.

"it seems we should get her to the physician ma," Zoya said unable to see her girl in pain.

"give her to me for a moment..." Anjana told her wiping her wet hands and bent to hold the baby.

She tried swinging the baby and kept rubbing her back and head lovingly until the cried dimmed and finally stopped.

Grateful to her mother in law Zoya smiled to her in awe.

"How did it happen ma?" she asked in a whisper taking her back.

"small kids are attached to the mothers and when the mother is unhappy or depressed they can feel it...Anjana told her going back to the kitchen.

"I'll keep it in mind ma," she answered her putting the baby in the little portable cot and zipping the mosquito net.

"what happened Zoya, you don't look yourself after our talks this evening," Anjana asked her.

"no ma, I am okay... it is just I kind of missed him." she lied because she didn't want to tell her about the dream.

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