I grabbed it and it was a pamphlet of the school's dance team. On the front there's was writing in lipstick.

Hi melons, I was looking for your phone but couldn't find it. Also, I went through your backpack. Sry didn't find anything bad but if I did I wouldn't tell anyone. Also, you have to join the team your body is sickening and I would be lonely without anyone I really liked. Who cares if you can't or can dance. Just look at the pamphlet also this lipstick is sickening. Where did you get it??

It was blue and had the stereotypical girls in the front with their hair and makeup done posed in dance movies.

I opened the thing and it was describing the team and club and how they get to leave school early some days and preform during half time and have full access to the workout area, dance studio, physical therapist and cafeteria meet for athletes.

There were pictures of the studio and the team at performances. Looks like they get special privileges to do things with the team. Under one of the pictures of them on a stage at a festival, there was writing from Addy.

We're more popular than the cheerleaders! I mean more respected but still!!!  I started laughing. Then I saw who the coach was. My eyes almost popped out of the sockets. It was Juliet Roberts, she's a notorious dance teacher.

She's famous for reshaping people into pro dancers. They say she's strict but once you're use to that she becomes like family.

I set the pamphlet down. I don't know. Then I read something that was in bold letters. Front of the line passes on performance games, free bus rides, field trips, and potluck parties for a job well done.

Guess I'm trying out for the team. I snorted at myself. Still a meh about a famous coach but a yeah for free food.

I set the pamphlet down and took out the math notes and homework I was given. The last song just ended and the adjust finished.

I bit my lip trying not to smile recognizing the beginning to Mr.Brightside by the Killers. I started singing quietly to myself while working.

But of course, soon quietly turned into me yelling the lyrics because I turned the volume on my earbuds so high I couldn't hear myself.

Jealousy, turning saints into the sea

Swimming through sick lullabies

Choking on your alibis

But it's just the price I pay

Destiny is calling me

Open up my eager eyes

Cause I'm Mr. Brightside

By now I was whipping my head up and down getting my hair everywhere and playing drums with my pencils on my notebook. And using my iPod as a microphone as I lip sung to the song.

I completely forgot about homework by now and was in my knees in the bed playing air guitar. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I pretty much yelled the lyrics, not able to hear myself and sang to my reflection.

Rolling off my bed o was now on my plush carpet and grabbed a plastic water bottle sitting around and used that as my new microphone. Shaking my head I danced around in a circle.

When the part,

While he's having a smoke

And she's taking a drag

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