cat nap | greece

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- greece x reader -

Oh yeah, its all coming tOgether-

* ☆ *

"Ooh, look, a kitty!" You were in the park, and you stopped to pet the kitty that was randomly there. You scratched behind it's ears and picked it up, letting it rest on your lap. It purred, and that purr seemed to attract all the cats in the neighborhood. Seriously, like 45 cats crawled up and sat down next to you. You thought jokingly that you were drowning in a sea of fur.

You laid down, and they seriously seemed to form a fluffy blanket over you and you couldn't help but fall sleep. In the fucking park.

* ☆ *

"Hey, Greece, wake up." You jolted awake, not even bothering the cats on you, and looked up at the man above you. He was wearing a white mask and a weird hat-like thing.

"Huh? Who's Greece?" You yawned, stretching.

The man seemed surprised. "Well, you're not Greece, but you seem like him. Anyhow, have you seen another person sleeping with cats around here?"

"Nope." You laid back down, snuggling with a black kitten. "Buh-bye now."

* ☆ *

"Hello." Another man woke you up. You sat back up, stretched again, and looked at the handsome man. He had messy brown hair, like he just woke up, and emerald green eyes. He had a soft sorta aura around him, that made me want to go back to sleep with the cats. Why did they come over here again? You couldn't remember.

"Hi. Why'd you wake me up?" You yawned, running a hand through your (H/C) locks.

"My cats seemed to magically float away as I slept with them, and here they are." He smiled a small smile. You looked at the cats, who had woken up and were now cuddling with you both.

"You sleep in the park with cats too? It's fun. I found that out." You smiled at him, petting a tabby cat. He nodded. You and he didn't talk much, just petted the cats and watched the sunset. Sunset? How long had you been here?

"Oh, yeah. Did you know that there is a man looking for you?" You said suddenly, looking at him. You were stunned at the look of his eyes in the sunset, dazed.

"Was he wearing a mask?" He asked, looking somewhat annoyed.

"Yes, and a weird hat thing. He called you Greece," You recalled. "My name is (Y/N)."

"Hercules. Now, which way did he go?" He asked, getting up. You stood up, and pointed in the right direction.

"Thank you. Goodbye." He then kissed you.

You stared at him during the kiss, eyes wide, before melting into it and pulling him closer before he broke off for air, and to leave. You waved as he left, and took the furry, fluffy cats with him.

You shook your head. What the heck just happened?

Turns out that you were just high.

* ☆ *

Maybe I'm high too idK-

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𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀 : x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें