eyes | italy

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- italy x reader -

OLD - He's OOC, Sorry-

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"Feliciano, we missed our train!" My girlfriend (Y/N) complains as we saw our train disappear into the horizon. We just missed our train, if you couldn't see. The both of us were going to tour around New York City. Our plane flight was supposed to be from Italy to New York, but we figured out it was too expensive, so we took the cheapest plane to America, which was from Italy to Washington D.C. We were supposed to take a train to New York City since we don't have extra money for a bus for a long trip, and Alfred is too stubborn to drive us there. Plane fares are too expensive for such a short trip and we have no car.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)! It's my entire fault we didn't make it on time! I was too slow eating my pasta, and you know I had a big late so I couldn't finish it all! And also-"

"It's okay Feliciano. We can exchange these train tickets for subway passes instead. Easy as pasta," (Y/N) smiled at me like her optimistic self. She entered the transportation booth and I saw her talking to the ladies behind the counter. I found an open bench and sat down on it with (Y/N)'s and my luggage. I sighed and began to look around America's home. It was quite nice for just a transportation station, maybe I'll take a picture.


Oh, did I mention I have my professional camera with me? Yup, I do! I wanted to take pictures of pretty things on this trip! That's right; I take pictures of everything I see that is pretty. Including (Y/N), since I would be taking pictures of her nonstop. I took a quick glance at the photo, and saved it quickly before (Y/N) came over.

"Feliciano, want anything to eat?" (Y/N) said nonchalantly as she points to the food court. Wait, I thought we were going to take a subway...?

"Aren't we supposed to be on a subway? Where are our passes?" I asked worryingly. She chuckled and ruffled my hair; careful not to touch my curl.

"They said the subway won't be back for boarding in about half an hour. I figured it would be a good time for a lunch break," She explained. Then she took out our subway passes.

"They're right here. So, what would you like to eat?" She asks me again.

"The usual." I cheerfully smiled.

"Feli, you had that this morning! You can't be eating pasta all day, it'll get you sick. Try eating another food choice," She suggested. But not eating pasta for me is like not reading a book at the library. It's defying the laws of physics!

I huffed and crossed my arms. I made a mad face while she pats my back. "Fine," I mumbled. "Pizza it is then."

"You don't have to be mad," (Y/N) replied. "You can have pasta tonight in the hotel."

"I guess so," I rolled my eyes as she speaks up again.

"Why are you being so tsundere right now? Is something wrong Feli?" I looked up to meet contact with her eyes. It's... just so beautiful. I'm trying my hardest to be mad at her, but I guess I can't look away then. She notices it, and then speaks up.

𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀 : x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora