troubles | china

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- china x reader -

OLD - I didn't really do much for this Panda-Loving woman.

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The crease of your brow deepened as you watched the man sitting across from you. He was laughing at you, and it was all the more irritating because a small part of you liked it. You liked the way his amber eyes sparkled with mirth, you delighted in the soft dimple of his cheek, and you positively adored the rich quality which his laughter held. You were undoubtedly and irreversibly head over heels for the oriental man, and yet he had the gall to sit there and not only watch you suffer, but gain considerable entertainment from it.
"Are you quite done, Yao?"
"I-I'm Sorry aru, but you're too cute!" At this your lip protruded in a sour pout which seemed only to encourage your friend. He squealed in delight at your display, and all at once you found yourself half pulled off your chair and gathered up into his arms like a rag doll.

"This is not cute, it's infuriating! How on earth do you manage to eat anything without proper cutlery?"
You felt the trembling of his arms, which were quite comfortably wrapped around you, before you heard him chuckling once more. You gave a dramatic sigh, and worsened your pout before craning your neck back to look up at him with eyes of betrayal.
"It's honestly not that difficult aru." Though his voice still held tones of amusement, you didn't miss the underlying guilt which laced his words. "Here, I'll teach you."
Tugging you fully off the chair, you stumbled forward only to be tugged backwards again and sent sprawling into the lap of your assailant.

Sitting you across his lap, with your back resting against his chest, Yao reached around you and assisted in correctly positioning your fingers on the carved chopsticks which served as the source of your torment. Ignoring the slight increase in your heart rate, you tried once again to mimic the hinge-like movement as previously demonstrated to you. Once again you failed miserably, sending one chopstick tumbling from your grasp while the other lay grasped between your fingertips looking just as useless as you felt.

"This is impractical.

"I promise you'll get it soon aru!"
"Why do you insist upon eating your food with pointy bits of wood?"
"For the same reason you eat your food with pointy bits of metal aru, it's just the way your culture raised you." Abandoning your remaining chopstick to the table, you cuddled comfortably back into your companion's chest and lay your head on his shoulder.
"Yeah, but I use a mini trident and a dagger, you have to admit that's cool." Yao chuckled again at your words, and this time you smiled as the sound tickled your ears pleasantly.
"By that logic I use mini spears, why is that any less cool aru?"
"Because mini spears are just sticks, and ridiculously impractical sticks at that."
You closed your eyes with a dramatic sigh, silently lamenting the fact that your food was going to go cold if you didn't master the impractical Asian cutlery soon. You could use a knife and fork, that option had never been closed to you, but after seeing Yao use chopsticks so effortlessly, you'd decided to do the same - in a significantly less effortless and not at all successful way.
Of course your pride wouldn't let you back down from a challenge.
Damn pride.

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Yao knew better than to offer you the easy way out, having already been down that route once before and finding himself denied most vehemently. In his eyes, however, your stubborn nature only made you that much more endearing. Reaching around your figure, Yao grasped your discarded chopsticks elegantly between his fingers and plucked a spring roll from your plate. You stared at the piece of food which was now hovering in front of your nose with the most delightful smell, and then blinked a couple of times before the realisation hit you.

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